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Artest could join Cheshire


Updated 12/08/2011 at 15:26 GMT

Ron Artest - or "Metta World Peace" - could be taking his talents to England as an extraordinary deal has emerged that would see him sign with the Cheshire Jets to play in the British Basketball League for the 2011/12 season.

2010-11 NBA Los Angeles Lakers Ron Artest

Image credit: Getty Images

No agreement has been reached yet, but club director Peter Hawkins says that he believes the prospect of taking a share of ownership in the club could swing the deal.
"Financially we have nothing to offer him but it would be so significant for UK basketball. We have offered him a stake in the club and all the love in the world!" said Hawkins.
"To have a genuine NBA superstar even considering coming to the BBL is massive news for our sport and could be the launch pad we need in this country to give the sport the profile it deserves.
"We are honoured that Ron has even mentioned the prospect of joining the Jets."
Artest had got English basketball fans going with a Tweet last week mentioning the move, writing, "Go Jets!!!!! UK, here we come!!! Jets are the best!!! Jets are the best!!!"
Since the Lakers' early exit from the NBA play-offs and the possibility of an NBA lockout for next season, Artest has made numerous comments to reporters of his openness to playing in Europe.
But it was not until early last week that the swirling rumours started becoming a reality.
At the Brea Improv Comedy Club in Los Angeles, the Laker stated: "I'm just trying to have fun. If I go somewhere, whatever I do in LA, it'll be the same thing over there.
"If I go overseas, I want to be able to have fun with the fans and with the people. I don't want to be bored. I want to be somewhere where we can play ball and have fun.
"That's why I'm interested in the UK, because I can really go there and make it a rap show. Just play ball, be crazy and entertain. I want to entertain."
Artest not only would bring his impressive basketball talents to the UK but also his flamboyantly colourful personality.
The 31-year-old recently made headlines for his odd decision to change his name to Metta World Peace, and his Cheshire Jets jersey would feature his name as World Peace on the back along with the number fifteen.
Artest is also known for his musical ability as a rapper in the States and he has expressed his interest in acting in the UK.
However, the 6'8'' forward is best known around the world for his role in the Pacers-Pistons brawl in Detroit -- dubbed the Malice in the Palace -- where he overtly struck a fan after a drink was thrown at him from the stands.
He ended up being suspended for the remainder of the season and the play-offs, a total of 83 games that year.
The Los Angeles Lakers player is just one of a flurry of stars considering refuge overseas due to the lockout.
Owners and the NBA Players Association are currently trying to reach new terms on the collective bargaining agreement, yet with players apparently not optimistic of getting things resolved in the near future, many are looking at other teams where they will be allowed to play.
Deron Williams has already signed with Turkish club Bestikas and NBA All-Stars Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryant and Dwayne Wade have been flirting with offers from around the world to play basketball.
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