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Diekmeier joins Hamburg


Updated 16/07/2010 at 14:05 GMT

Hamburg have acted quickly in replacing Jerome Boateng by signing Dennis Diekmeier on a four-year deal from Bundesliga rivals Nurnberg.

FOOTBALL Dennis Diekmeier of Nurnberg, who has joined Hamburg

Image credit: Reuters

Germany defender Boateng agreed to join Manchester City for a reported £10 million and full-back Diekmeier, 20, arrives for under a quarter of that amount.
"We are very happy that we have managed to sign Dennis Diekmeier," Hamburg boss Armin Veh told the club website. "He's one of the biggest German talents around and he's extremely fast - there are few players around with his kind of pace.
"He is also capable of sending in some dangerous crosses and I'm confident he'll be important for the team."
Diekmeier came through the ranks at Werder Bremen but failed to make an impact on the first team, joining Nurnberg in January 2009.
He has been capped at U18, 19 and 20 level for Germany.
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