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Terry: England united


Updated 23/03/2011 at 09:12 GMT

John Terry has insisted there are no divisions within the England camp following his restoration to the captaincy.

2011 England training John Terry

Image credit: PA Photos

The Chelsea defender has been re-appointed skipper on a permanent basis, a year after he was stripped of the armband.
He replaces Rio Ferdinand, whose international career has been disrupted by injuries, and will resume his duties on Saturday when England face Wales in a Euro 2012 qualifier at the Millennium Stadium.
Asked whether his team-mates had any problems with his leadership, Terry said: "Nobody has said a word to me, so I guess not.
"If anyone did have a problem I would appreciate it if they came and spoke to me personally.
"When the manager confronted the team on the training pitch (on Tuesday morning to tell them of Terry's reinstatement), he asked the players if they had any questions and nobody spoke. Nobody said a word to the manager, nobody said a word to me."
Terry paid tribute to Ferdinand, who was reportedly upset at the way he was removed as captain by Fabio Capello after just seven games.
"Rio called me after the game (against Manchester City on Sunday), which on a personal note was a very nice touch and shows what a great man he is," Terry said.
"Naturally he was disappointed but the main thing he said to me was that England keep winning football matches."
Terry won over Capello after the Italian's decision to sack him as captain following a reported affair with the ex-girlfriend of then team-mate Wayne Bridge.
"I've kept my head down and concentrated on playing hard for club and country, and I think the manager has seen that," he said.
"I'm not going to be everyone's cup of tea but it's a decision the manager has taken. Respect for the players around me and the manager has always been there."
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