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Ferrari blasts electric F1


Updated 10/09/2011 at 13:27 GMT

Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo thinks it would be wrong for Formula 1 to head down an all-electric route - as he believes the sport must remain at the cutting edge of technology and speed.

2011 Tokyo Ferrari Di Montezemolo

Image credit: AFP

Although electric racing activities look set to increase over the next few years, di Montezemolo reckons there are elements of F1 that means it would not be the show it is now if it should also go down that route.
"For me F1 is extreme performance, sport, and innovative technology in terms of performance," he told reporters at the Italian Grand Prix.
"I am in favour of hybrid, which is different. KERS can present, not only for Ferrari but other manufacturers, something interesting, but please do not go too far.
"For F1, I don't think it is a problem for me if we race one hour and a half with extreme performance. Of course taking care of the consumption, of course taking care of the environment, of course taking care of the new technology group of road cars.
"I race in F1 because it is for me one of the most important advance research centres. If you look at the successful road cars in the last 15 years, fly-by-wire, KERS, F1 gearbox, flow aerodynamics, this is something extremely important to transfer to my road cars.
"If F1 will become something the same for everybody, then there is no reason to be in F1."
Di Montezemolo also hit out at the way in which the FIA's former engine advisor Gilles Simon, who had worked closely with the current F1 manufacturers, was able to leave the governing body and take his knowledge to the PURE company.
"What I don't like today in F1, I don't like to give all the numbers of my engine to the federation, and the guy in charge at the federation of controlling the engines is now leaving and going to a private company with all my numbers. This I don't like very much. I don't like it at all and I want to talk about it."
Di Montezemolo also reiterated that he would like to see the return of customer cars in Formula 1 – with him set to make a fresh push for Ferrari to be allowed to run third cars.
"I will do my best to convince for three simple reasons, not only Ferrari. First of all, the gap between the best teams and the others is very, very big. Second to race today for a small team is very expensive when you have to develop a new car. Third I am looking forward to having new drivers in F1.
"In the past – I remember Giancarlo Baghetti won a fantastic race in F1, the first victory with a Ferrari in Reims (1961), with a private Ferrari and not one run by the team. I would like to see a McLaren, a Red Bull, [or] a Williams for a small team.
"It means the small team will be more competitive, it means we will spend less money, it means finally we can give room to new drivers in the future. I have young drivers in the Ferrari academy but I have to deliver the possibility to race in F1, and today it is not possible to do tests. I will do my best to convince in this direction."
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