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English Open 2022 snooker as it happened - Mark Selby clinches title with victory over Luca Brecel in final

Updated 18/12/2022 at 22:05 GMT

Welcome back to Eurosport's live coverage of the 2022 English Open, the third of the 2022-23 Home Nations Series. We are now on to the final of the year's final major ranking event after an absolute blockbuster between two former world champions saw Mark Selby defeat Neil Robertson 6-4 before Luca Brecel enjoyed a 6-2 win against UK and Northern Ireland Open champion Mark Allen.

O'Sullivan and White left very surprised by uncharacteristic Selby safety errors

Thanks for your company this week

We'll see you in January for the Masters!

So there we go

Mark Selby wins the English Open. Having started the year taking time off the game to address his depression, he ends it as what he already was and will always be: a champion.

Mark's wife, Vikki, and his daughter Sofia join him

They hug together, and there we go.

Mark holds up the Steve!

Well done young man. One of the game's greats is back.

Mark speaks

This is the biggest achievement of his career. He'd been suffering silently for years but decided in January to get himself sorted and he's so happy to be back playing snooker and enjoying it. He says if it wasn't for his wife then he'd not be stood here today, his voice breaking, and then sits in his seat for a cry. Go on Mark lad!

Luca speaks

He didn't play his game, he says, but the day before the tournament he was thinking he might not play it because he was ill, but his dad said he'd regret it if he didn't. I'm not sure that works, because had he not played he'd not have known he missed the final, but he says he's so pleased for Mark, thanking him for his candour in talking about mental health, and that's a lovely moment. My eyeballs might be sweating.

Mark Selby beats Luca Brecel 9-6!

His first chance to win, and he takes it; his first title in 20 months! In the crowd, Vikki his wife looks on the verge of tears - she knows what it took him to get to here, and all we know is it's a lot He can't end it with a ton, missing a pink, but he is the champion, and will soon lift the Steve Davis trophy! He puts a serviette over his face, taking a moment; he doesn't look any more together when he removes it and I'm not surprised. Whata player! Welcome back!

Selby 8-6 Brecel (58-0)

Mark, it should also be said, is an obvious mensch and one of the greatest players ever to play our game; almost every match I watch, I'm chuffed for whoever wins, and this is great to see (just as it would've been had Luca won).

Selby 8-6 Brecel (38-0)

Since taking the 2021 World Championship, Mark hasn't brought home a title, but in that time, has spoken publicly about his mental health struggles. So it'll mean a helluva lot for him to win here - I'm buzzing for him already, he'll be delighted to know - and when he nudges the red off the black, the table is right there for him. Come on Mark!

Selby 8-6 Brecel (15-0)

Luca powers a starter to right-corner and misses it, then misses it again when it shoots out of the opposite jaws. So Mark has his first go at bringing home and is rock-solid, easing home a mid-range starter. The black is currently unavailable, but that might not be the case for long, and in the meantime, blue and pink both go, so

Selby 8-6 Brecel

...and misses it! He finishes on 113 and that was a brilliant effort; Luca will just be happy to still be in with a chance of winning the title.

Selby 8-5 Brecel (0-113)

Yes he can! He's not played well today, but with an eye like his, he can always just get into something and devastate. He hauls the white just far enough down the table to knock the final red to right-middle, blazes it around the angles to conjure a cut-back black...

Selby 8-5 Brecel (0-96)

A red goes to left corner, that's frame-ball, and there are others closer to each other than ideal. But there's a decent angle from which to get at them, and as I type that, Luca strokes himself behind the third-from-last one. Can he get onto the next so he can send it to middle?

Selby 8-5 Brecel (0-71)

Come on Luca! He drums home a black, comes off the side, develops a red, and coaxes the next to right-middle. It - is - on!

Selby 8-5 Brecel (0-33)

A safety exchange opens frame 14 ... which Luca wins when Mark errs! he's got balls available too, and a black able to proceed to the corners unencumbered. He goes into the pack, and this is now a really good chance to close the gap .., and for a maxi?!

Selby 8-5 Brecel

Luca has to catch absolute flames to get out of this.

Selby 7-5 Brecel (54-20)

Here's the thing: Luca is a potter, so if that's not happening for him, he can't compete with Mark, who's an everything. He sees away the last red in typically competent, understated style, and Luca will need four straight to beat him.

Selby 7-5 Brecel (53-20)

Luca gets away again, a fine long red deposited in left corner - and from the right side of the table too. But he must find a colour to be able to win the frame without a respot ... and down goes the green to left-middle. Good shot, but there's a lot for Luca to do with the brown on the side rail and the final red in a tricky position - but sinking a colour means if he clears up, he wins the frame. Meantime, a shouting clown is escorted from the premises, Luca plays safe, and the chase is on.

Selby 7-5 Brecel (53-1)

On 47, Mark runs out of position, plays safe ... and Luca flukes a cross-double starter! But he's not playing well enough to drain pink to right-middle, and with four reds remaining, he's not out of the frame, but he is running out of chances.

Selby 7-5 Brecel (46-0)

Methodically, Mark picks off loose balls, barely even looking at the tied-up black. But a loose positional shot has him sprawled over the table to take pink from centre to left corner - that's a terrific pot - and slowly but surely, he's forcing his way to the line - both in the frame and the match.

Selby 7-5 Brecel (11-0)

Luca plays a poor shot - I'm not sure what his plan was, because he was so far both from safety and the pot. So Mark despatches a starter with rest and there are reds all over the show, so if he can get settled into the run, I fully expect him to go three up with four to play.

Selby 7-5 Brecel (6-0)

Oh yes! Mark spanks home long to right corner then eases a blue to right-middle ... but what was he playing for? He's on nowt, which won't unduly mither him - I'm sure he backs his safety game against Luca's - but the more time Luca spends at the table, the more likely he is to get hot.

We go again...

...Luca needs something, badly.

Selby 7-5 Brecel

Mark Selby is a heartbreaker. He takes his time, clearing up to the brown, which secures the frame, downing the blue to make sure, and leaving for the interval. Selby needs two more and Luca needs to start potting everything because if he doesn't, he'll be out of this very soon. See you in 20.

Selby 6-5 Brecel (53-21)

But he overcuts the last red! Luca just can't find any consistency, and this is going to be 7-5.

Selby 6-5 Brecel (45-21)

Luca sorts a terrific starter, but then misses a pink to right corner by plenty. No matter: he doubles the next red to left-middle, develops the last two off the black, and if he can add two lots of eight, he'll be 13 in front when he gets to the difficult pink, which is on the side rail.

Selby 6-5 Brecel (45-19)

Mark is remorseless around the table, taking his time to measure up every pot. He'll need one of the two reds stuck together near the black, and he takes his time trying to plot a route to them. But after splitting them before time, he misses a cut-back red to left corner, and can Luca make him regret his impetuosity?

Selby 6-5 Brecel (18-19)

Ph, Luca! With the rest, he overcuts one to right corner, then Mark gets down before getting up again because someone in the crowd is on the sweets. So it's words from Tatiana Woollaston, the ref, then back down again, and he looks solid as he sets about administering due punishment. That's the thing with snooker, it's not really about the nails pots but making sure to take care of all the easy ones.

Selby 6-5 Brecel (0-13)

Luca misses a pot by yards, a double-kiss of red and green sends it down anyway, and the green stays up the table, ripe for potting with the spider next shot. This allows Luca to splatter the pack - he's going for everything now, in true Luca style - and this is a decent chance for him to level proceedings.

Selby 6-5 Brecel

Yes Luca! A fine run of 122, the highest of the match, and he's back to within one. The next frame, the last of the mini-sesh, is colossal.

Selby 6-4 Brecel (0-54)

And he is doing. This is excellent work from Luca, who's playing himself into form through this run - possibly.

Selby 6-4 Brecel (0-10)

Both men miss starters, Mark second, and his leaves Luca a chance. He sends a starter to right corner, a lovely pot, and though he doesn't end up on anything, he rolls in tight behind the brown and will look to build from here. Shonuff, he gets in shortly afterwards, and you get the feeling that he needs to make this opportunity count.

Selby 6-4 Brecel

A 61 from Mark, and he's tow in front. Luca is running out of time.

Selby 5-4 Brecel (72-5)

Yup, Mark is settled now, and Luca has a lot of thinking to do ... or not thinking, because an instinctive player like him just needs to pot balls.

Selby 5-4 Brecel (35-5)

And though he can't do it, a horrendous safety from Luca not only leaves one but develops the black, and that's what the relentless pressure of playing Mark Selby can do to you. Mark, though, has to take on a nasty, nasty red across the table to left corner; this is so so difficult, if he misses it he's leaving the world ... and he nails it, then floats a black to left-middle, and you get the sense he can go away here.

Selby 5-4 Brecel (7-5)

Mark dangles a tempter to right corner and Luca gobbles it up ... but he can't parlay it into a chance. So after some safety, Mark cracks a starter across the table, also to right corner, and with plenty of reds loose, has the chance to accumulate something significant if he can keep steady. Pink and black, though, are tied up, so there's work to do.

Selby 5-4 Brecel

Luca will know he can't win without making big breaks, and he botched the chance for one in this frame, so can't be surprised at how it's shaken out.

Selby 4-4 Brecel (61-33)

Yup, Mark - who must've been sick to go from 3-0 to 4-4 - removes the remaining reds, and he's going to go one in front.

Selby 4-4 Brecel (40-33)

But how about that! Mark knucks a beauty to left corner but again gets nae reward; we've now got three reds left, two on or close to the side and one close to black cush. The scrappiness of this frame is make it a biggie, and when Luca offers one to left corner, Mark drills it in beautofully, screws back past the ball that's nearest to it, and sends down the black. He's got a chance here.

Selby 4-4 Brecel (31-33)

It's Mark back at the table - I missed how because my wife is ill and she summoned me. On 12, though, he misses a clip into left corner thin, and neither man is into this session yet.

Selby 4-4 Brecel (19-33)

Mark leaves himself a long red to the green pocket, misses it, and we're back playing safe with six reds remaining.

Selby 4-4 Brecel (8-33)

Luca cracks the bunch but winds up on nothing, I think ... or can he ramrod the blue to the yellow pocket ... oh yes, what a shot that is, played with deep screw ... but he misses the next red! Aw mate! That hands Mark a chance, and one of the coldest sneak-thieves in history gets to work.

Selby 4-4 Brecel (1-14)

Mark clobbers a starter to right corner, but with no position can only play safe thereafter. And then an error lets in Luca ... who has a few loose reds and a path for the black to both corners.

Here we go!

Our last final of the year.

For the final time

The baize is boyzed.

Luca says he came into this competition low on confidence

But when he's on it, he's a proper player, and he can play a lot better than he did this afternoon. He'll that he probably has to, but he'll also expect to.

This is a real battle of opposites

Sort of. Brecel is a brilliant natural potter while Selby is a tactician and one of the greatest matchplayers in the game. But he can rattle bags with the best of them, which is why I'd favour him tonight: Brecel probably needs to hit a hot streak, whereas Selby can win in a few different ways.

Evening all!

This is going to be good.

Selby 4-4 Brecel

"Anyone could win this, the margins are so fine. It just depends who turns up on the day," says world champion Ronnie O'Sullivan. Thanks for joining us. We will be back at 6:45pm tonight with the conclusion to the final major of the year in Essex. Could be a dramatic finale.

Selby 4-3 Brecel (2-72)

Selby led 3-0 and 4-1, but Brecel claws level at 4-4 despite failing to make a break over 50 in this final. A handshake from Selby and that is that for the afternoon. It has been a final of hard matchplay snooker, but perhaps we will see more flair this evening when they resume at 7pm. All on the line with first man to nine claiming the Steve Davis trophy.

Selby 4-3 Brecel (2-56)

Selby in a deep hole as Brecel pots long red before rolling up behind brown. Fails to escape from the snooker first time and leaves an easy red second time. This looks like 4-4 coming up. Not sure how we got here, but this final is going to be all square.

Selby 4-3 Brecel (2-50)

Not exactly a swashbuckling effort from Luca, but there is grit and determination to hang in there. Break reaches 43, but deep screw shot on black fails to bring desired position on the next red. 43 is his new highest break of final. 48 points clear then with seven reds left up.

Selby 4-3 Brecel (2-27)

Well now. Selby has gone off the boil when you thought he would kick on. Misses a blue trying to roll it in down the table and that is a bad error. Did he get a kick? Did blue roll off? Who knows, but it didn't drop. What a chance for Brecel to build a lead in the frame he requires to draw level in this final. Wouldn't have imagined that when Selby led 4-1. Sets it up for a fabulous finale this evening.

Selby 4-2 Brecel (7-78)

This is what you would call a rearguard action by Brecel as he finishes off the seventh frame in style. He is somehow back to within one frame of the favourite. One more frame to play of the session and Selby's lead is reduced to 4-3 in Brentwood. Astonishingly, Brecel's highest break is only 42 so far in this final. Showing Selby qualities to hang in there.

Selby 4-2 Brecel (7-57)

Break ends on 42 with Brecel somehow seeing a pink disappear down a top bag after potting yellow, but an uncharacteristic safety blunder by Selby presents Luca with golden chance to close the gap to only one frame. Slots tricky red to right middle and he is on the cusp of winning this frame.

Selby 4-2 Brecel (1-41)

Brecel making the early running in this seventh frame. Selby misses a brown and Luca sinks a brilliant red along the top cushion. Suddenly the Belgian is feeling a lot better about his game after pinching the previous frame. Brecel playing with his B or C game at moment, but has chance to close to within one frame of the title favourite.

Selby 4-1 Brecel (45-96)

Almost another brilliant safety shot by Selby, but Brecel can see enough of the potting angle. In goes the yellow to top right corner and that is job done for this frame. What a battle that was. Over 30 minutes, but it is the Belgian Bullet who fires back. Has been second best this avo, but somehow within two frames of Selby. Brecel would like at least one of the next two frames to enjoy his dinner before they play to a finish this evening.

Selby 4-1 Brecel (45-69)

Selby in a fiendish snooker and missing a red five times off two cushions before missing again off one cushion. In behind the black. Gets there seventh time, but leaves red. Which he didn't want. But Brecel then misses the red using rest. Well, that is extraordinary. Brecel atones by slotting a trademark long red, but can't follow in with frame ball pink. Down to the colours with Luca just needing yellow.

Selby 4-1 Brecel (45-39)

Brecel tries to pot his way out of trouble and ends up careering straight into the reds. Selby handed golden chance to stretch further ahead in this final. A fine cut on penultimate red to right middle drops down the pocket. Can't land on final red.

Selby 4-1 Brecel (6-39)

Brecel not covering a long red from baulk, but the Jester can't fully profit this time. Cans long red, but ends up watching a pink drop down a pocket after attempting to open reds off the yellow. That is a let-off.

Selby 4-1 Brecel (0-33)

Much more like it from Brecel at the outset of the sixth frame as he picks out a pinpoint pot on long red. Terrific recovery pot on a red down table to yellow bag to keep break going on 21. That should give him some confidence. But can't open pack in potting green and that will be the end of break.

Selby 3-1 Brecel (77-43)

Well, Brecel pays the price for failing to capitalise on his chances in this final. Poor safety shot on green sees green nestle over baulk pocket. Selby tidies up the table with ease and that is 4-1 to the 2019 English Open champion. Concerning times for Brecel.

Selby 3-1 Brecel (52-43)

A timely break of 52 from Selby. Attempts to spring the green off side cushion using yellow, but just catches the jaws of left middle pocket. So unfortunate. Almost a brilliant shot. Onto the colours and a safety duel to settle this frame.

Selby 3-1 Brecel (30-43)

Another bout of tactical sparring ends with Selby picking out a brilliant cut on a red to left centre. Lovely shot. And suddenly Selby has chance to launch a telling counter attack. All reds in open, but green is welded to a side cush.

Selby 3-1 Brecel (0-42)

A break of 42 from Brecel, but this time he sees a brown to right middle stay up. Certainly not vintage Luca so far today.

Selby 3-1 Brecel (0-26)

Selby attempts to power a long red into the rigging immediately after the restart, but sees the object ball slam the cushions and bounce back out. The fallout sees a red hang over the opposite top pocket. Easy opener for Luca and plenty of encouragement from this packed crowd.

Selby 3-1 Brecel (0-9)

Selby 3-0 Brecel (27-96)

That will annoy Selby at the mid-session break. Had every chance to push towards a 4-0 lead, but Brecel is at least off the mark in this final. The missed blue to right middle could yet be a key turning point of the narrative. A break of 15 minutes for the mid-session.

Selby 3-0 Brecel (27-73)

Another effort of 41 from Brecel. Should be enough to seal the deal on the fourth frame, but Selby plays on for three snookers with one red left up.

Selby 3-0 Brecel (19-39)

Would you believe it? Selby misses an easy ball. Cut on blue to right middle evades him. Was on its spot and wasn't overly difficult. Selby hangs his head. A major boost for Brecel when you are 3-0 down and being played off the table. Can Brecel capitalise on that blunder?

Selby 3-0 Brecel (4-32)

Selby so close to sinking a mid-range red. Not sure how that has stayed out. Manages to reach 32 as a plant drops, but white finds its way down left middle bag. Groans from the Brentwood crowd pepper the Essex air. Only consolation is not leaving an easy starter for the Jester. Especially in this rich form.

Selby 2-0 Brecel (74-14)

A majestic performance from Selby as he slots blue before developing red from left side cushion. Just needed the red to reach snookers required. Can't blame Luca for not chasing them. A break of 74 from the Jester and that is a 3-0 lead in this English Open final. This match running for an hour, but all one-way traffic at the mo.

Selby 2-0 Brecel (49-14)

These balls could all have been Luca's but instead they fall to the Leicester man, who has been ruthless so far today from close range. Can see why he has won four world titles on this form. Right on it so far today.

Selby 2-0 Brecel (1-14)

Selby goes for a long red. Can't find the potting angle and has left Brecel an easy opening red to left middle. First real chance of this final for the Belgian Bullet, but he somehow misses a red to a left centre. Overcut that one. Bad miss.

Selby 1-0 Brecel (64-4)

A delightful contribution of 57 from the world No. 2 this time and that is a 2-0 advantage in the race to nine. Another six frames remaining of this opening session.

Selby 1-0 Brecel (49-4)

Freeing up the pink has boosted Selby's prospects in this break and he is looking in fine fettle. Looks like this could be 2-0 coming up. Showing his class in every area of the sport so far today.

Selby 1-0 Brecel (12-4)

Error by Brecel with Selby winning the safety battle to land near the reds. Not straightforward, but the Jester picks out a fabulous plant on reds via the help of a kiss or two. And that presents Mark with opportunity to piece together some points. Luca doesn't really want to spend too much time locking horns with the Jester on the tactical side.

Selby 1-0 Brecel (6-4)

Some lovely tactical stuff on offer here. Selby prefers the nature of this combat, but Brecel not shy about mixing it either. Pink and black both out of commission so this frame won't slip quietly into the night. Or day.

Selby 1-0 Brecel (6-4)

Selby has described Luca Brecel as a bit of snooker bully before this match. Get what he means, but he isn't exactly shy when it comes to dominating a table either in peak form. This frame as tight as two coats of paint so far with both men trading tactical blows.

Selby 1-0 Brecel (6-4)

Luca not quite finding his range from distance at the moment. Two attempts so far in this second frame, but nothing doing as yet. They were hitting the leather with some regularity in his victories over Judd Trump and Mark Allen over the past two days. Selby content to keep matters tight.

Selby 0-0 Brecel (90-0)

No century, but a sparkling effort of 90 from the former world No. 1. That is the way you want to start any final. Selby showing why he is the favourite for this title. Brecel reduced to role of spectator in the opening frame of a possible 17. Let's hope they are all as good as that one.

Selby 0-0 Brecel (64-0)

This has been superior stuff from Selby out there. Really finding his scoring boots in the final major of the year. Playing for the Steve Davis trophy and produces an opening break straight out of the Davis playbook. Looks like a 1-0 lead in the hipper for the four-time world champion.

Selby 0-0 Brecel (12-0)

Well, wasting no time in getting the reds open from the blue to left middle. That is what you call throwing down the gauntlet. This already looks like a golden opportunity.

Selby 0-0 Brecel (1-0)

A brilliant long red by Selby to get the party started. Quite magical piece of cueing off the Luca break. Picking up from where he left off from yesterday in that 6-4 win over Robbo. The Jester in no mood for laughs out there.

Selby 0-0 Brecel (0-0)

Off we go then with this match. A sell-out crowd in Brentwood to watch this one. Could be a classic dust-up.

‘A bit of a bully!’

Selby has been speaking ahead of the final and he has called Brecel "a bit of a bully" - in the nicest way possible.
“Luca is a great talent,” began Selby. “Very, very dangerous – a bit of a bully as well, I suppose, on the table. The way he plays the game. He is very attacking. Some might say his game is a little too open to be consistent at that level but it is a fine line. He is capable of blowing anyone away.”


Here we are. The final ranking final of the season. Mark Selby v Luca Brecel. The Jester leads the head-to-head 4-3.
Who are you backing to win?

Brecel brushes aside Allen to claim place in final against Selby

Luca Brecel brushed Mark Allen aside 6-2 to set up a place in the English Open final on Sunday where he will meet Mark Selby, who beat Neil Robertson 6-4.
Brecel was at his brilliant best at the Brentwood Centre on Saturday evening, turning on the style to beat the player of the season with relative ease.
The Belgian chalked up breaks of 61, 55, 50 and 71 as he raced into a five-frame lead, and although Allen threatened a comeback at 5-2, Brecel held his nerve to see off his opponent.
"Yeah, I guess he’s not unbeatable," said Brecel in the Eurosport studio afterwards.
"I felt good today. I felt much better than yesterday, actually. More focused. Happy to win, very happy.
"Every time I feel under pressure, I feel like I'm going to deliver. I'm not going to crumble; I’m quite good under pressure."

'I have never played better' - Robertson confident of fortunes changing in new year

Neil Robertson will end the year without a trophy to his name this season thus far, but the Australian stresses that he has “never played better”.
The 40-year-old played some stunning snooker but came up against Selby at his brilliant best in a thrilling semi-final of the English Open on Saturday.
Far from feeling sorry for himself, however, Robertson is fully confident his fortunes will change in 2023.
Asked to assess his season so far, Robertson said: “I have never played better.
“You can see that with the scoring, it’s just ridiculous. Any time I pot a ball to get in I'm winning the frame in one visit. I take it as a great compliment that people are playing so well against me because they know they have to, but I'm fine with that.
“I'm enjoying playing the way I am and the brand of snooker I'm playing is great, it's very enjoyable.
“My safety today was actually very good, I didn't play any sloppy safeties, I didn't give many easy chances from safeties.
“I feel great about my game and I’m looking forward to the Christmas break and then carrying that through into the Masters.”


In the UK and across Europe, the English Open will be shown live and exclusive on Eurosport, Eurosport’s digital platforms and you can watch every shot ad-free on discovery+.
Jimmy White, Alan McManus and Neal Foulds are among the pundits who will provide analysis before, during and after the afternoon and evening sessions.
Daily reports and news will be published online at
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