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German Masters 2023 LIVE - Jack Lisowski plays Tom Ford after Ali Carter beats Robert Milkins in a thriller

Nigel Chiu

Updated 04/02/2023 at 22:27 GMT

Welcome back to Eurosport's live coverage of the 2023 German Masters and we're in for a fun one today as it's semi-final day! Yes that's right we're already down to the final four in Berlin. Tonight, Jack Lisowski plays Tom Ford in the second semi-final, with the winner taking on Ali Carter in the final after The Captain beat Robert Milkins 6-5 in a thriller.

Milkins follows up 146 with maximum 147 at German Masters

Ford wins 6-5!

It's a huge moment for the Leicester man as he emerges the victor in this epic German Masters semi-final! He will meet Ali Carter in tomorrow's final!

Lisowski 5-5 Ford (52-43)

It's all about his nerve now, all the colours are on their spots. Ford is on the verge of reaching only his second-ever ranking final...

Lisowski 5-5 Ford (52-40)

There are two awkward reds left of the blue, but Ford plays an excellent shot to get into position and puts one of them away! Lisowski can only look on as Ford emerges as the new favourite for this match.

Lisowski 5-5 Ford (52-0)

It's a total hit-and-hope from Ford, and while he manages to make the escape, he leaves a red on... but Lisowski has missed it, somehow! Wow! Ford is right back in this match!

Lisowski 5-5 Ford (52-0)

It's too close for comfort as Lisowski knocks the cueball off the cushion while potting the black, but he's okay... just. The following shot is not, however, as he ends up behind the brown! He's got the snooker, yes, but Jackpot would have wanted to have wrapped this frame up already.

Lisowski 5-5 Ford (43-0)

He's already had to clear some hurdles - including a tricky black - but Lisowski has built a 43-point lead and is on course to making Sunday's final. Of course, a long way to go, but you would fancy him to win this match now.

Lisowski 5-5 Ford (1-0)

Sometimes the break-off is the most important shot of them all – Ford leaves a chance and Lisowski is first in with another great long pot!

Lisowski 5-5 Ford

Ford concedes! Ladies and gentlemen, we're heading for a second decider of the day!

Lisowski 4-5 Ford (58-5)

This is a different frame from the rest we’ve seen, but Lisowski has crafted a nice lead, adding another 10. And how about your luck! Ford miscues and lets his opponent back in! And although Lisowski isn’t able to do much more damage, Ford is now 54 behind with just 51 remaining.

Lisowski 4-5 Ford (45-4)

Lisowski looks for all the world as if he’s going to bring it to a decider on this visit, but he gets too much on the black and it rattles off the cushion! Ford tries and fails with a double but leaves nothing on. Well, at least he didn’t think he did – but Lisowski is in again after landing a sublime long red!

Lisowski 4-5 Ford (12-4)

A big shot coming up as Lisowski tries to roll the red into the middle blue pocket… but he’s got the wrong side of the cushion, leaving Ford with a relatively kind table. However, the first chance to get it done doesn't come to much as he doesn't get thin enough on the yellow and it refuses to drop. What a reprieve for Lisowski!

Lisowski 4-5 Ford (12-0)

The first mistake of a crucial frame sees Ford leave a pot on after an awkward kiss, which Lisowski converts. Now then, can he complete this in one visit and take it to a decider? He splits the reds but gets too close to the blue. He tries to take on a very tricky pink… but doesn’t get it! Has he left anything on, though? No! How fortunate!

Lisowski 4-5 Ford (0-0)

Frame 10 of a possible 11 commences. These two have been rallying through frames all night but something tells me this one – with so much at stake now - might be played a slightly slower pace.

Lisowski 4-5 Ford

Lisowski needs another red to take us into another frame... and he's landed it. This is a great break and exactly what he needed as he finishes up on 81.
A night of fine snooker, these two are trading frames and high breaks. But Lisowski will be desperate to win the next one and take us to a decider!

Lisowski 3-5 Ford (35-0)

Lisowski is back to the table and connects with a nice little double and follows it up with another shot of real quality. Again, he’s taking his time here but building a nicely constructed break.

Lisowski 3-5 Ford (1-0)

Brilliant long shot from Lisowski with the pressure on! But the cueball rolls past the blue and unfortunately for the Jackpot he’s not on anything.

Lisowski 3-5 Ford

After making his first century of the tournament in the previous frame, Ford looks set to make a second successive one... but I seem to have jinxed him as he catches the black much too thick! So, he settles for 89! And he's one frame away from victory.

Lisowski 3-4 Ford (0-54)

This looks like a kind table; Lisowski is in a world of trouble now. If he loses this one, he’ll need to win the next three to make tomorrow’s final.

Lisowski 3-4 Ford (0-8)

Lisowski leaves a tempting red hanging over the pocket, but there’s a lot of pressure involved and it’s far from straightforward… but Ford has got it! What a shot! The pink follows. A big opportunity now for the UK Championship semi-finalist.

Lisowski 3-4 Ford (0-1)

Clean as a whistle! Ford drops a long red into the bottom right pocket, excellent. But sensibly, he opts for a safety shot on the yellow. Lisowski resists the urge to be bold and a safety exchange will follow now.

Lisowski 3-4 Ford

Cool, calm and composed – Ford makes a break of stylish break of 104 for his first century of the tournament and the eighth of the current season. He’s back in front, and the next frame is huge!

Lisowski 3-3 Ford (27-65)

Ford is in the groove now, screwing back the cueball and sitting perfectly on the blue, which he uses to break up a group of reds as he nears a half-century. A lot of his chances are coming from Lisowski's mistakes tonight and he is making him pay... and now he's got frame ball.

Lisowski 3-3 Ford (27-0)

Lisowski is motoring now, and he’s back in with a confident red into the bottom pocket. He screws back the cueball after splitting up some of the reds and he’s on the black, but only just. There’s pressure on the shot but he dispatches it confidently. But now he’s forced into a long red… and it doesn’t land! In fact, it's a complete mis-hit!

Lisowski 3-3 Ford

Ford feels his hand is forced as he attempts a long red – but it doesn’t drop. This will be Lisowski’s frame now. If he gets the black, Ford will need snookers... and he puts it away confidently - but he can't get the clearance he's looking for.
Ford has a brief look around the table before conceding.

Lisowski 2-3 Ford (54-0)

Patient break-building from Lisowski; after five minutes he’s still at the 50-mark… but then, wow, he gets a red all wrong. He’s thinking about the cannon more than the pot! Fortunately, for Jackpot, he doesn’t appear to have left anything on.

Lisowski 2-3 Ford (25-0)

A rare poor safety shot from Ford tonight allows Lisowski a chance. With the black sandwiched between two reds, the pink is his best option. He frees said black up with a nice little cannon; could this be the start of another big break from Jackpot?
There's still a lot of work to do.

Lisowski 2-3 Ford

The century escapes Ford as he jawses a long red with the spider. But the main thing is: he's got his nose back in front.

Lisowski 2-2 Ford (0-66)

The table is looking kind for Ford. It’s all about keeping control of the cueball now as he makes 45. Lisowski is looking pensive in his seat; there doesn’t look a chance he’ll be returning to the table in this frame.
Ford needs this red to take a 3-2 lead, and he’s got it… with 59 remaining, he’s looking for a first century of the tournament.

Lisowski 2-2 Ford (0-1)

Lisowski overcuts a red and gives Ford a reprieve after he had jawsed one just a moment earlier. A chance for Ford to re-establish a bit of confidence now.

Lisowski 2-2 Ford (0-1)

It’s bold from Lisowski as he opts for a long red but doesn’t quite get his angles right. Is there a gap for Ford to put away a red? Yes, he sneaks it in and splits the reds wide open. However, he doesn’t fall on an easy colour and plays a safety shot on the black. This is a dangerous table now.

Back up and running!

Ford gets us going once more.

Lisowski 2-2 Ford

Frame ball is no problem and he follows it up with a clever little plant on the red to continue his break. He misses the cannon on the black - and if he wants a century then it’s going to have to be something special. A long red down the cushion stays out and he will settle for 84.
Time for a break - back soon!

Lisowski 1-2 Ford (61-0)

Lisowski is thin on the black, but it’s a brilliant pot from Jackpot! He looks like he means business now. Could he make a second straight century break?

Lisowski 1-2 Ford (15-0)

A safety mistake from Ford could cost him dearly, and Lisowski is off again. Big frame this, the one before the mid-session.

Lisowski 1-2 Ford

A stubborn blue won't go in as Lisowski misses out on a total clearance and has to make do with 102 - but he'll be feeling a lot better about himself now after losing a scrappy second frame.

Lisowski 0-2 Ford (100-0)

No hangover for Jack. What a wonderful break – his cue ball control is excellent as he makes his third century of the tournament.

Lisowski 0-2 Ford (25-0)

Supreme cueing from Lisowski, a brilliant pot on a long red. This is a crucial frame; he will be desperate not to lose a third successive frame because he would then have a real mountain to climb.
Will the pink go back on its spot? The referee gets it into position with some steady hands, and the delay doesn’t seem to have halted Lisowski’s momentum as he’s back amongst the balls.
And oh, what a shot on the blue! He generates so much power to disrupt the reds and this is looking good for Jackpot now.

Lisowski 0-2 Ford

Ford clears the table after fluking an outrageous black! Could that be a sign this is going to be his night?

Lisowski 0-1 Ford (34-57)

An incredible pot on a red from Lisowski, as he catches it thin. Again, though, he’s not on a colour. Ford makes a great escape and then another but this time leaves a red on. It’s pocketed… but Lisowski then misses the pink! It’s edgy here!
A terrific pot from Ford on the yellow. The green follows. Ford just needs the brown for frame two… and he’s got it!

Lisowski 0-1 Ford (32-48)

Lisowski splits the reds after landing the black – a great pot which draws applause from the Berlin crowd… but he runs too close to the pink and misses a thin black. Ford could very possibly win the frame from here... But no! The pink refuses to go in. Has he left anything on? No. The frame hangs in the balance.

Lisowski 0-1 Ford (24-40)

Incredible! Ford jaws the black while trying to cannon off the red, and his face says it all. Could that be a turning point in this frame? It’s certainly an opportunity for Lisowski, although a group a reds close to the black spot is rather awkward.

Lisowski 0-1 Ford (8-31)

A safety exchange commences until Lisowski leaves a red hanging over the bottom pocket; he’s in again. Now, can he make his opponent pay? The table is far from straightforward.

Lisowski 0-1 Ford (4-17)

Lisowski fails to take advantage, and riding that early wave, Ford is back in business with a straight red to the bottom pocket. The crowd groans as a shot on the back spin cannons off the pocket’s cushion and he’s not on anything.
And Ford is in a spot of bother now as Lisowski responds with a snooker behind the green – and it’s a foul! He gets an awkward kiss off the red and it lands in the pocket.

Lisowski 0-1 Ford (0-4)

How about that?! Ford pots a brilliant long, thin red – and he’s superbly on the green! But his break ends at a lowly four after missing a red; it wasn’t a sitter but one you’d expect him to land.

Lisowski 0-1 Ford (14-84)

Ford’s clearance is up at 84 as he misses an awkward red - but rather than conceding Lisowski wants some table time. He looks to be getting into some kind of rhythm but eventually concedes after making 14.

Lisowski 0-0 Ford (0-76)

A dream start for Ford as he’s on 60 and counting, helping to put the early nerves to bed. Two more reds and the black (twice) puts the frame beyond Lisowski. He’s up and running already.

Lisowski 0-0 Ford (0-36)

Tom Ford is first in, landing a thin red to the middle pocket. Looking to settle in as quickly as he can, Ford builds a lead of 15 but doesn’t fall on the pink as he’d have liked. After some pondering, he makes the pot but again he doesn’t look happy. He requires the spider to help with a red, following it up with a black but again it’s a loose shot.
It’s a great recovery as he’s rolling again.

We are underway!

Tom Ford gets us underway at a packed house at the Tempodrom in Berlin.

Welcome back

Welcome back to Eurosport’s LIVE text commentary of the German Masters.
After the thrilling battle between Ali Carter and Robert Milkins went to a decider earlier – with the former running out the victor – we’re back for what we hope is another entertaining session of snooker.
There is plenty at stake as Jack Lisowski and Tom Ford – both of whom have never won a ranking event - meet for a place in Sunday’s final.
It’s a repeat of the 2021 tournament in Milton Keynes when Lisowski won 6-2 but that was the Jackpot’s only victory over Ford in the previous 12 meetings.
Who will come out on top tonight? Stay tuned for our live updates.

Back just before 19:00

That’s right, no excuses. We will see you just before 19:00 UK time for Tom Ford v Jack Lisowski. If it’s anywhere near as dramatic as what we have just seen, it should be a good one. See you then!

Carter into the final

From 3-1 down, Ali Carter won four frames on the spin and was looking on course for the win. However, Milkins fought back by winning the next two frames to send the match to a decider.
It was very nervy but Carter got over the line to reach his third German Masters final. He will play the winner of tonight’s other semi-final between Jack Lisowski and Tom Ford.
Should Carter win tomorrow, he will be just the second place to win multiple titles in Berlin, with Judd Trump being the other, and will be back in the top 16. A big day awaits for The Captain.

Carter beats Milkins 6-5 in a thriller

Carter misses the final red, but has some fortune to snooker Milkins. He misses the red, then Carter knocks it in, along with a blue and yellow to seal the match. What a fantastic semi-final that was!

Carter 5-5 Milkins (62-25)

Good composure from Carter here, he’s comfortably knocked these reds and colours in. Milkins now needs snooker with Carter still at the table. A shame there had to be a loser this afternoon.

Carter 5-5 Milkins (44-25)

That’s brilliant from Carter! He rolls a long red into the middle and again decides to play for a snooker, this time using the green, blue and brown that are near each other as barriers to the red. Milkins gets out of the snooker but leaves a red on. Carter gets in and has another big chance to find a way over the line.

Carter 5-5 Milkins (36-25)

Milkins hits a red the second time and the reds are safe. He then misses a tough long red as a shot to nothing and gets the cue ball tight on the cushion. This match is 50 50.

Carter 5-5 Milkins (36-25)

Well, well, well. Carter is forced to bridge over a red when potting a pink. The pink goes in but Carter is not on a red. After a few safety shots, Milkins goes for an ambitious long red but misses it. Carter follows it up with a super shot on a red as a shot to nothing. He tries to get in behind the yellow off the brown, and just gets the snooker. Milkins misses by a long way and may have left a plant on here for Carter. However, The Captain asks the referee to put the cue ball back. It looked like a plant to me!

Carter 5-5 Milkins (31-25)

My goodness, Milkins is left with a very thin red and he’s overcut it. Carter is now at the table in a good position after a great recovery shot on the pink. The pack is open too so this is a golden chance.

Carter 5-5 Milkins (14-25)

Carter looks for the two cushion, half ball escape but misses it twice. He gets it the third time and leaves a tempting red for Milkins. It goes in and Milkins is on the black too! What a great shot. Big pressure for the next few minutes on Milkins.

Carter 5-5 Milkins (14-1)

Carter tries to go off two cushions into the pack off the blue but isn’t left with anything. He plays safe and has a small, potentially crucial, lead. Is that a plant though in the middle of the bunch? It is and Milkins gets it. However, the cue ball is tight on the cushion so he rolls up behind the yellow.

Carter 5-5 Milkins (14-0)

Both players are given a huge roar just before the final frame begins. Milkins goes for a long red with his first shot but misses it. Worse still, the red comes up the table and Carter has an easy starter. They say you just want one chance in a decider, well this is Carter’s opportunity now.

Carter v Milkins goes to a decider

And we have a decider, it’s 5-5 in this first semi-final after Milkins knocks in the brown, blue and pink. Wow, this really is brilliant. Don’t go anywhere.

Carter 5-4 Milkins (49-48)

The brown is brought into play by Carter so it’s really all about the green. Carter gets out of an easy snooker but the green rolls over the bottom right pocket. However, Milkins is snookered because the black is in the way. He comes off the cushion and knocks the green in! Amazing shot.

Carter 5-4 Milkins (49-45)

Wow a big slice of luck for Carter, he gets the double kiss on the green but gets away with it. Two shots later, Milkins is left with a long green. He decides against going for it as the cue ball nearly rolls into the bottom left pocket. Talk about drama and we haven’t even had a ball potted yet in this exchange.

Carter 5-4 Milkins (49-45)

As expected the reds all go in with ease so it comes down to the colours with the scores now at 47-45 to Carter. He stuns the yellow in and decides to play safe on the green. This is the climax now.

Carter 5-4 Milkins (20-45)

Another long red from Milkins goes in, he’s finding his range again. He then pushes the brown safe. All is going well in the safety battle then Milkins has a terrible moment when he hits the black first instead of a red! Carter is in but it’s a good job Milkins put those two colours safe earlier on because the four remaining reds are in a line, available to the left corner for Carter.

Carter 5-4 Milkins (0-44)

Milkins leaves himself with a tough red, that’s just off the bunch, to the far right corner but he narrowly misses it. Carter then makes a mistake by leaving the red that Milkins missed on and it’s whacked in. Milkins then decides to play safe, putting the green onto a cushion.

Carter 5-4 Milkins (0-35)

Carter leaves a red on and it’s thumped in from Milkins. This is a big opportunity with the reds spread nicely and all of the colours available. He’s already surpassed the 30-point mark after a great recovery shot on a red to the bottom left pocket which puts him back on track.

Carter 5-4 Milkins (0-1)

Carter goes for a long red after a poor break-off from Milkins but he misses. He looks down at the table and his cue, knowing he’s let Milkins in. But, Milkins misses his first black although the cue ball is tight on the cushion at the top of the table. You can feel the nerves now.

Carter 5-4 Milkins

Wow! Just after I type that last post, Milkins nearly rolls the cue ball into the middle left pocket. There are oooos from the crowd inside the Tempodrom but it just stays out. He goes on to make a lovely century with 109. It’s his third of the tournament in fact, following his 146 and 147 over the last few days. Game on!

Carter 5-3 Milkins (0-63)

Milkins nearly runs out of position when on a break of 31, having to bridge over another red. It goes in though, as does the next shot which is a tough black. He’s playing very quickly and needs a couple more reds and colours to take the frame.

Carter 5-3 Milkins (0-8)

Some very good safety play from both men again. Carter blinks first when trying to play a thin red, that he misses completely. It goes back and he misses for a second time. He’s warned by referee Maike Kesseler about the three miss rule so goes for a long red. It’s wide by some margin and Milkins has a chance to make a big break.

Carter 5-3 Milkins

Huge credit to Carter here, that clearance of 83 was immaculate. He is playing his best snooker right now and there’s not much Milkins can do about it. One more needed for a third German Masters final appearance.

Carter 4-3 Milkins (61-45)

That tricky red I mentioned is the last one left for Carter. He tries to move it when playing off the black, which he does but it’s not easy. Carter slots it into the green pocket though, and it didn’t even rattle the jaws. This is sensational. A couple shots away from four frames in a row.

Carter 4-3 Milkins (26-45)

Terrific from Carter! He knocks in a long red from nowhere and could well steal this frame. Milkins might be regretting playing safe now as Carter gets to within 20 points. Only the one award red to deal with, by itself on the left handside of the table.

Carter 4-3 Milkins (0-45)

Not for the first time this afternoon Carter catches the jaws with the cue ball when it travels back up the tale. Milkins back in business with a nice table too. However, a thin blues means the cue ball gets away from him. He decides to play safe. Missed chance but wise shot.

Carter 4-3 Milkins (0-39)

Some very good recovery shots on the red and black from Milkins but he’s finally completely out of position. A solid 39 though makes him favourite for this frame. Let the safety battle commence…

Carter 4-3 Milkins (0-18)

The reds are split open again, this time by Carter. Milkins knocks in a terrific long red and follows it up with a yellow. Huge visit now The Milkman, although the black is currently not available. The reds are in play though.

Carter 4-3 Milkins

Ali Carter goes ahead for the first time in this entertaining match. He does it with a century as well, his seventh of the week in Berlin after a stunning double and a black gets him over the 100 mark. A brilliant 133 and momentum is on his side.

Carter 3-3 Milkins (69-0)

You can feel the confidence when Carter is in the balls. A somewhat difficult red that’s just off the right handside cushion goes in and proves to be the most difficult shot in this break. Milkins looks deflated in his seat as it’s looking like three frames in a row for his opponent.

Carter 3-3 Milkins (8-0)

Milkins continues to go for it but a long red goes wide. Then he plays a very attacking safety by splitting the reds open with another red. It goes wrong because a red goes over the bottom left pocket to leave Carter with an easy starter. He gets some fortune too because the cue balls hits another red and he’s perfectly on the black.

Carter 3-3 Milkins

There it is, a break of 67 levels things again. It’s 3-3 in this best-of-11 encounter.

Carter 2-3 Milkins (68-5)

More good break building from Carter. He gets out of position when 47-5 up with all of the reds now in difficult positions. The pink goes in and he’s on a red underneath the black. A couple shots later and the frame is done, barring snookers.

Carter 2-3 Milkins (2-5)

Great long red from Milkins but he’s not quite on the black. A safety battle follows before Carter knocks in a red to the middle. He’s not on a colour though so plays safe with the white tight on the cushion.
Later in the safety exchange, Carter goes in-off with the white with the reds spread across the table. Milkins misses the red as it hits another red that’s just in the way of the path to the bottom right pocket. Now Carter has a big chance.

Carter 2-3 Milkins

A brilliant break of 72 from Ali Carter, that will give him plenty of confidence. He’s just one behind after five frames.

Carter 1-3 Milkins (64-28)

Carter rattles through the reds and has just two left at 50-22 up. The first tricky one is dispatched nicely so he’s left with a tough positional shot off the black to get in behind the red that is on the cushion into the yellow pocket. He plays it perfectly and the red drops in. Superb!

Carter 1-3 Milkins (12-28)

Carter now misses a brown, so Milkins picks off the reds and needs to go into the bunch after a break of 16. The blue goes on and he’s unfortunate to get stuck in the pack. He has a tricky red to the middle which he misses, so Carter has another opportunity.

Carter 1-3 Milkins (11-7)

Interestingly Carter leaves a tempter for Milkins, knowing if he missed that there would be reds on. The gamble pays off but Carter misses a long red. Milkins is in and goes on the attack. However, he misses a brown when trying to get the cue ball down the table so it’s Carter who has the next opportunity. It's over quickly after he runs out of position on the brown.

Carter 1-3 Milkins

The players are back out and it’s Carter to break, here we go. The first to six remember for a place in tomorrow's final against either Tom Ford or Jack Lisowski.

Welsh Open Schedule confirmed

After tomorrow, it’s the Welsh Open that’s next on the calendar and we will have action every day live on Eurosport and discovery+.
Ronnie O’Sullivan and Judd Trump headline the first day, with the tournament taking place in Llandudno from February 13-19.

Milkins’ 147 from yesterday

In case you haven’t seen it yet, Milkins made it to the semi-finals today with a 147 last night against Chris Wakelin. It followed his 146 from a couple days ago, which was only the 29th in snooker history.
Although he’s had it far from easy this afternoon, Milkins could be on his way to a second ranking title.
Anyway, enough of me talking/writing for a bit, here's that maximum.

Milkins follows up 146 with maximum 147 at German Masters

Carter 1-3 Milkins

Milkins snookers Carter, who hits the red but goes in-off. Fortunately for Carter, the red goes safe. Milkins lays another snooker and Carter hits the red full ball. Then, yep you guessed it, a third snooker in a row from Milkins. Carter hits the red but he’s left it to the middle left pocket. Some stunning stuff here from Milkins. The red goes in followed by a blue and swiftly after, the colours are cleared up too. This has been a very entertaining semi-final as we go into the interval.

Carter 1-2 Milkins (61-27)

Milkins has to take high value colours to pots a very thin pink which keeps him in the frame without needing snookers. He doesn’t get on the red though. One red left and Milkins is 34 points behind with 35 remaining.

Carter 1-2 Milkins (61-12)

Carter goes for an ambitious plant and just misses it. Milkins responds with a long red but it’s wide by some margin. Nothing easy left for Carter so he plays safe. A few shots later and Milkins misses a thin red to the middle and leaves another red on. Despite a red wriggling the bottom right pocket several times, Carter makes a break of 19 and needs one more red.
However, he doesn’t land on one after hitting the brown when potting the blue. The safety shot goes wrong when the cue ball catches the jaws of the middle and Milkins has a chance to steal the frame.

Carter 1-2 Milkins (42-12)

Carter takes the loose reds beautifully and knows he needs to open the bunch of six reds that are together underneath the pink spot. He doesn’t have the best angle on the black so hits it hard and tries to disturb the pack by hitting the cue ball off the side cushion. Unfortunately, he just misses so plays safe after that break of 25.

Carter 1-2 Milkins (17-12)

A poor safety shot from Milkins sees a red come up the table. Carter slots it in and has a nice table to go about his business. On 17 points he has a red just below the black but he hits it hard to try and get nicely on the black, so misses the red. The head does down immediately. Luckily for Cater, Milkins can only make a break of 12 after missing a tough red with the rest and the red is left over the pocket too.

Carter 1-2 Milkins

Carter cracks first by leaving a long yellow for Milkins. It goes in so Carter needs snookers. A few safety shots later and the green is in too. What a mammoth frame that was and there will be huge relief for Milkins.

Carter 1-1 Milkins (56-82)

Milkins this time plays a snooker on Carter, who misses the yellow. It’s a free ball for Milkins and he smartly decides to put the black safe whilst laying another snooker. Carter misses the yellow and goes in-off. Milkins puts him back in and Carter hits the yellow. Vital moments for the context of this match.

Carter 1-1 Milkins (56-74)

Milkins is shaking his head at his mistake that has left Carter back into this frame. Carter knocks in a red and black then lays another snooker. Milkins misses first time and then again, this time leaving the red on for his opponent. He has been completely ruffled here. The red just drops in, as does the black before Carter plays another snooker with the white behind the pink. Milkins hits it but Carter is just 18 points behind now with the colours remaining. What a turnaround here in Berlin!

Carter 1-1 (32-74)

A rare miss from Milkins on a long red that he would have expected to get. Carter plays safe but catches the jaws of the middle pocket with the white so Milkins is left with a thin red to the bottom right pocket which he gets. Just a few reds and colours needed to take a 2-1 lead and he’s there very swiftly with a break of 38. But wait...Cater plays a snooker and Milkins hits the pink! The Captain can now win the frame.

Carter 1-1 Milkins (26-36)

The pink and black are out of action so this has been a tricky break of 19 for Milkins. He lands low on the blue so swings the cue ball around the angles. A great recovery shot on a red into the bottom right corner puts him out of position again, so he plays safe off the yellow.

Carter 1-1 Milkins (26-18)

Milkins hits the pink and leaves an easy red. The crowd find it amusing but Milkins will have found none of that funny. Carter is in but on 21 points, he’s left with a very tricky blue with the white on the cushion. Remarkably, he nudges the green with the white and is snookered….behind the yellow. He tries the two-cushion half ball escape but catches the reds too thick and Milkins is now at the table after potting a medium-distance red.

Carter 1-1 Milkins (0-17)

Another stunner from Milkins early in this third frame. He rolls up behind the yellow. Carter tries to hit a red half ball but hits the pink on his first two attempts, then misses every ball in his third. He gets it as the fourth time of asking and incredibly snookers Milkins behind the yellow! The crowd love it.

Carter 1-1 Milkins

Far from a simple table for Carter but he’s hitting the cue ball wonderfully. A nice shot on the red just off the cushion was the key during the break and he’s levelled the scores up with that break of 53.

Carter 0-1 Milkins (37-11)

Carter leaves a long red for Milkins, who rolls it in and is nicely on the blue. However, he misses his next red, which was not helped by having to stretch for it. Carter capitalises and has the first big chance in this frame after a couple of delightful shots.

Carter 0-1 Milkins (17-5)

Milkins finds an unintentional plant but plays safe by getting the cue ball tight to the brown. Carter is in all sorts of trouble. He comes off three cushions and misses the red once, then gets it the second time. Crucially he leaves nothing.

Carter 0-1 Milkins (17-0)

Milkins goes in-off when trying to hit a red thinly, no damage done though other than four points to his opponent. A safety battle follows and Milkins gets Carter in a snooker. Carter does brilliantly with a two-cushion escape though. This is intriguing.

Carter 0-1 Milkins (13-0)

Milkins plays a dump shot but gets it all wrong which leaves Carter in. The 2013 German Masters champion can only make a break of nine though after being hampered on a red by the black, which leaves him with either a tricky blue or a safety shot. He goes for the latter.

Carter 0-1 Milkins (4-0)

This time it’s Carter who pots a long red from his opponent’s break-off. He plays to land on a baulk colour, so pots the green and screws down the table. However he lands in the reds so has to play safe.

Carter 0-1 Milkins

Needing just one more red, Milkins lands low on the blue so is left with a difficult positional shot. He swings the white in and out of baulk, to give himself a shot and he rolls the red in. He takes the first frame in style!

Carter 0-0 Milkins (0-57)

Carter leaves a two-ball plant around the pink spot which Milkins fires in. He has some fortune too because he lands beautifully on the pink and is off again. A medium distance red into the bottom right pocket during this great break proves no problem. This is a big marker being laid down right now.

Carter 0-0 Milkins (0-28)

Milkins tries to split the reds open with a powerful shot on the black that sees the white hit the bottom cushion but just miss the bunch. He’s forced to play safe.

Carter 0-0 Milkins (0-21)

Wow first shot from Milkins and it’s a belter into the bottom left corner. Don’t worry, he can’t repeat his 147 heroics from last night as he goes green, red, pink, red and is now setting about clearing two reds near the black spot.

We are underway!

Here we go then, Carter to break in this first semi-final.

What happened yesterday?

Friday was moving day at the German Masters, which meant some players had to place twice. Big favourite Neil Robertson was stunned 5-4 by Chris Wakelin, but the Shoot Out champion then lost to Milkins 5-2.
Jack Lisowski came from behind to beat Xiao Guodong 5-3, whilst Ali Carter was victorious over Pang Junxu by the same scoreline.
Tom Ford ended Kyren Wilson’s hopes for a second German Masters crown with a 5-2 win over The Warrior.

Welcome to semi-finals day

Good afternoon and welcome to our LIVE updates of the 2023 German Masters semi-finals.
With many of the top names failing to qualify for the main draw in Berlin, we have had a wide open tournament and now we are down to four.
First up is Robert Milkins v Ali Carter, they will begin play in just under 15 minutes. Then tonight we have Tom Ford v Jack Lisowski – both of whom are looking for their first ranking title.
It promises to be a very exciting day, don’t go anywhere.

Milkins stuns German crowd with 147!

Robert Milkins is making a name for himself in Berlin, after writing himself a bit of history by making a maximum 147 a couple of days after a rare 146.
Milkins’ career looked on the ropes when he exited the Turkish Masters in disgrace last year after one drink too many.
He bounced back to win the Gibraltar Open a short while later, and his career has been on the up ever since.
Good results have been posted this season, with the Bristol man being rewarded for greater consistency.
He arrived in Berlin in a confident mood, and highlighted his good form with a 146 break in beating Daniel Wells.
A 146, consisting of 15 reds, 14 blacks and one pink and all the colours, is extremely rare - but it put him in a good place for the high break.
A couple of days later he pretty much banked the £5,000 high-break prize by opening his account against Chris Wakelin with a 147.

Milkins compiles rare 146 break to progress at German Masters

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