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Snooker news - Mark Williams: 'I wouldn't wish gout on my worst enemy'

The Editorial Team

Updated 11/02/2020 at 00:18 GMT

Mark Williams says he wouldn't wish gout "on his worst enemies" after recovering from the condition.

Mark Williams

Image credit: Getty Images

Two-time Welsh Open champion Williams eased into the second round of the tournament with a 4-1 win over Oliver Lines.
The home favourite was particularly pleased with the win having suffered from gout in recent months, and was upbeat about the season going forward.

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"The gout is gone, thank god, fingers crossed it doesn’t come back," Williams told World Snooker Tour.
"I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Actually, I would let them see the pain, but I don’t want it again.
"There was a few people taking the Mickey, saying it can’t be that bad, let’s hope one of them gets it."
Williams rattled off four frames in a row after going 1-0 to Lines, including a break of 87.

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"I played okay in patches, it was a bit scrappy but I was just hoping to get through," Williams added.
"If I hadn’t been practicing this last month I probably would have lost that.
"I’ve let myself down over the last 12 months. I’ve been picking my cue up knowing I'm going to get hammered. I thought, I’ve had enough, I may as well practice and give it a go.
"The next couple of months is all about trying to win matches to get a bit of momentum going heading into the world championships."
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