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Welsh Open semi-finals LIVE - Gary Wilson hits 147 in win over John Higgins after Martin O'Donnell beats Elliot Slessor

Updated 17/02/2024 at 22:36 GMT

We're down to the final four in Llandudno as as Martin O'Donnell takes on Elliot Slessor and John Higgins faces Gary Wilson in the 2024 Welsh Open semi-finals. O'Donnell stunned world champion Luca Brecel to set up a meeting with Slessor, who beat veteran Dominic Dale. Stream top snooker action, including the Welsh Open, live on discovery+.

Watch Wilson’s maximum 147 break against Higgins in Welsh Open semi-final


That’s it for our live updates of the 2024 Welsh Open semi-finals.
Join us again on Sunday afternoon for the final when Gary Wilson will target his third Home Nations title – and his second this season – when he locks horns with Martin O'Donnell.


Higgins splits the pack and piles the pressure on Wilson.
The cue ball is below the black on its spot and the Tyneside Terror needs to be bold and go for a tough pot on a red up to middle left. There’s no safety on given the open table and a miss would open the door for the Scot.
This time the World No.16 produces a sublime pot and it’s his for the taking if he can hold his nerve.
There’s no sign of a slip-up this time as he continues to nudge close to the final with careful, composed potting.
A plant on a red to the middle left is followed by a blue to the opposite corner. It's copy and paste for the next two balls and there’s applause from the crowd as they recognise victory is within his grasp.
Higgins can only watch on dismay as Wilson notches up a 73 to finish and set up a showdown for the title with Martin O'Donnell.


Wilson attempts a ridiculous cut on a red up to middle left. It looks in but catches the jaw and bounces back out.
Higgins steps in but a rash red up the right rail towards the green pocket misses by a mile and a kiss on the blue leaves the cue ball in the middle of the table.
Gary knocks in a red to the bottom left and earns himself the early initiative. He plays off the blue as well as the black but an attempt to cannon into the pack via two cushions doesn’t pay off as he hoped.
He takes on a difficult cut on a red to the green pocket but can’t find the right angle and there’s hope for Higgins once again.


Higgins’ sharp safety play quickly paves the way for another run as he plants a red to the corner right and tickles a blue up to the middle right.
There are still some tricky moments as he needs to be very careful with the spider hovering over the pink to despatch another red to the corner right.
Another hairy moment arises when he overruns the cue ball and has to pull off a superb pot on the pink up to middle left. It’s a key shot as he would have been 57 up with 67 remaining had he missed, Instead, the five-time champion notches up a break of 78 to move to within a frame of parity.


John wallops down a long red and follows up with a green to its home pocket. It’s not an easy table at this juncture and Higgins knows he can’t afford any slip as it could be fatal. He decides to play safe and retreats to baulk having opened with a decent run of 16.


Higgins nails the pink to the green pocket and it’s déjà vu for Wilson. How’s his nerve now?

HIGGINS 2-5 WILSON (66-49)

Higgins clears up to the pink, but misses that colour to the bottom right. Wilson needs a snooker, but it’ll be a tall order with just the pink and black to play with.


Wilson shrugs off going so close to the finish line in the previous frame and slams down a brilliant long red to open Frame 8.
A yellow up to its own pocket is followed by a red via the rest to the right corner.
A black to the same bag helps him nudge a few more reds free from the pack and the World No.16 is suddenly in the same situation, with that spot in the final nearing on his horizon.
He needs to maintain that steely demeanour that has served him so well along with that methodical cue-action – but he fluffs his lines once again.
He tries to move between a ruck of reds to guide a red to the bottom left, but misses by some distance.
Higgins is back in business and will now attempt to pull off another steal.


It’s now or never for the Wizard of Wishaw and he gives himself a timely boost with a blistering red up to the yellow pocket.
He follows it with a long blue down to the bottom right before a cut on a red down to the same pocket opens up the remainder of the pack a touch.
It sees him become the firm favourite to clear up and keep his slim hopes alive, which he does with an excellent 69 clearance up to the black.


Wilson is first to show again as he guides a controlled red to the bottom right and preys upon a couple of loose reds around the black to settle into a groove.
An attempt to cannon into the pack off a pot on the black to the right corner isn’t perfect, but he recovers with a sharp red and a blue to middle.
The run continues when he spies a plant to the right corner but just as the finish line begins to creep closer, he catches the upper jaw with a tough cut on a black to the same bag. Lifeline for Higgins?


There’s another grimace from Higgins as a safety goes awry and leaves the cue ball near the bottom deck with reds hovering over the left corner.
Wilson mops up the routine reds but the remaining five are all tough. A recovery cut on one sees him steer a lovely pot into the middle right, while a screw back on a red up to the green pocket tees him up for the black.
The World No.16 guides the black to the bottom right and leaves Higgins needing snookers.
The Scot will be ruing that safety error as Wilson chalks up a run of 89 to move within a frame of the final.


It’s cagey stuff and all about safety at this juncture.
Higgins notches up a run of three, but a stunning three-ball plant to the right corner bag wrestles some momentum Wilson’s way, with a smart snooker in-behind the yellow leaving Higgins with a conundrum.
The escape is quite marvellous as the Scot comes off the left, right and bottom cushions to kiss the underneath of a stray red. Still anyone’s frame.


Gary takes on a long red to the right corner and its one of the pots of the night as it bullets cleanly into the bag.
The World No.16 takes on a tough yellow from baulk down to the middle right to follow, but catches the jaws and thwarts his hopes of getting his Mojo flowing once again.


Wilson sizzles a long red to the bottom left but he’s way off that halcyon form that saw him hit a 104, 147 and 82 to open. Indeed, it doesn’t look like the interval has done him any favours as he comes up way short on three.
Higgins scorches a belter of a red to the same bottom left pocket, but then grimaces in disgust as the cue ball bounces off the left rail and rolls into the opposite middle pocket.


Higgins cuts a tricky long red to the bottom right with the rest and then produces another delightful angle on a black to the same pocket.
The Scot is trying to ignite a run of form here but he’s having to pull off some fine pots to keep ticking along. He must feel like luck is against him as a long yellow up to its own bag sees the cue ball catch the middle right pocket jaw and alter his position.
He needs a steady, long red to the bottom right corner to stay on course, but he delivers the goods and finally moves within sight of getting on the board with some more routine pots around the black spot.
He’s worked hard for this and his first meaningful contribution of this semi-final sees the four-time World champion reduce the arrears with a run of 93 that halts with a miss on the yellow to the green pocket.

O’Sullivan impressed with ‘nice man’ O’Donnell following his Welsh Open semi-final win


Both players return from the interval and miss with long red attempts to the left corner.
Higgins’ safety earns a tap of the cushion from Gary and the Scot manages to take advantage of a short cue ball, spying a red in the pack that cuts to the right corner.
For the first time in the match the five-time champion has a chance to build a break from the off, but he blows a make-able pink up to the middle left.
Wilson has a chance with a straight red to the bottom left that he makes a real mess of. Has his level dipped to give John a slither of hope here?


Higgins leaves a tricky red down from baulk to middle left and Wilson pounces!
Fortune is said to favour the brave and he repeats the trick with a clinical pink down to bottom right that Eurosport Comms feel will be a frame-clincher.
They are right too. The pots become more routine from there and a run of 40 is enough to clock up a 14th frame on the spin at this tournament and make him hot favourite to reach tomorrow's final as we head into the interval.

Watch Wilson’s maximum 147 break against Higgins in Welsh Open semi-final

HIGGINS 0-3 WILSON (10-41)

This time it’s Higgins who pulls off a pearl of a pot as he too comes off the bottom rail to guide a tough red to the middle right. A pink to the green pocket follows, but it takes another fine cut on a red down to the middle right to keep a brief run going. From there he plays safe with the cue ball near the black spot and the remaining five reds suffering nose bleeds up in baulk.

Wilson makes century, but falls short in maximum 147 attempt against Higgins at Welsh Open


Higgins appears to be gaining the edge in a tense safety exchange but Wilson turns the tables with a superb long red up to the yellow pocket via some solid cueing off the bottom rail.
There’s nothing on beyond that and the Tyneside Terror has to retreat with the cue ball down to the bottom cushion.


Suddenly Wilson’s radar is off and he misses a long red to the bottom right by some margin.
Higgins slides down a red to the opposite corner but butchers his positional play with a cannon off a stray red.
We’ve had three excellent breaks so far but this frame has gone very scrappy and, as a result, it’s taken on extra significance.


The World No.16 opens with a corker of a long red to keep Higgins in his seat and then feed upon another flurry of red-black combos to set the pace once more.
A black to the bottom left offers a chance to cannon into the pack and he lands neatly on a red to the opposite corner.
It looked like being another masterclass from there, but a bad miss on that red sees him catch it full on and fail to get the angle to cut it to the pocket.
Higgins looks to take advantage but a solitary red is all he can muster as an immediate response.


Higgins lines up a long red down the right rail but can’t tease it into the pocket. Instead, the red rolls across the bottom deck to tee up Wilson for a routine pot.
The World No.16 can’t quite squeeze the black to the opposite corner so opts for a pink up to middle right.
The pack is firmly intact here, so it’s not going to be the free-flowing pot-a-thon that has seen Wilson sweep into the early lead. He flirts with the jaws of the middle left again, but the rub of the green is with him in the fledgling moments of this semi-final and he continues to steadily build a tidy advantage.
He sinks a red to bottom right to land above the blue and despatch it to the middle left and regain position, with another red to bottom right taking him to the half century.
There’s a plant on a red to the left corner that he then sinks with aplomb to screw back for the blue to middle left. Higgins squints at the scoreboard and that sinking feeling no doubt washes over him as he realises another frame will pass with him having little to chew on.
The run ends on 82 and the frame is over - but Higgins returns simply to get a feel for the match. He’s been steam-rolled so far and after a couple of shots the Scot throws the towel in.


After a safety impasse it’s Wilson who has the first real sighter and he pings down a long red to the bottom left corner.
It’s a very inviting table with the reds nicely spread but he is slightly distracted midway through another decent run and needs the long rest to pop down a red to the bottom left. It puts him in prime position once more with red-black-red combos leading to more the Eurosport commentary team to once again, tentatively, suggest a 147 could be in the offing.
A cut on a black to the right corner leaves Higgins needing snookers and it’s about what else the Tyneside Terror can produce here.
He has four reds left of centre to take care of and as he passes the century, it’s déjà vu as he sizes up the penultimate red to the middle left. This time, he slots it down before wobbling slightly on the final one to the left corner. It jiggles with the jaws but eventually drops.
From there the colours drop one by one. The pink drops to the bottom left and then Wilson clocks up the maximum by cutting the black to the same pocket.

‘Body language is great’ - Slessor wins ninth frame against O’Donnell


That’s a beauty! Wilson conjures up a sublime, tight cut on a red all the way up to the green pocket and lands perfectly on the black.
The audacity of it earns him real reward as he makes quick work of a succession of red-black combos to build a steady advantage. Indeed, he’s soon beyond frame ball and contemplating a maximum.
A black to bottom right seals the century but he somehow blows the penultimate red to the middle left and the prospect of a 147 evaporates just like that.
He looks a tad frustrated, but a 104 is more than enough to get him off to a strong start here.


Higgins turns down a long red down the right rail and ends up playing a surprise safety that leaves the cue ball tucked tight behind the green.
Wilson comes off three cushions trying to escape but fouls on the first attempt. He adjusts nicely and finds the right pace on his second effort to recover and avoid leaving anything cheap on.


In the Eurosport 1 studio Ronnie O'Sullivan, Jimmy White and Alan McManus are all tipping John Higgins to triumph and move within one win of a sixth title in Llandudno.
Intros are now done and it's down to business.

Will it be The Wizard of Wishaw or The Tyneside Terror?

It’s the first to six frames tonight with Sunday’s final being the best of 17.


Higgins leads 6-1 including matches in the Championship League and the European Tour.

‘Body language is great’ - Slessor wins ninth frame against O’Donnell

Welcome back!

It's almost time for the second semi-final at the 2024 Welsh Open.
Five-time winner John Higgins locks horns with Gary Wilson with the winner set for a Sunday showdown for the trophy with Martin O'Donnell.
The boys are at the baulk from 19.00 GMT.


Thanks for joining us

Anyway, that’s all from us for now but the action in Llandudno resumes shortly with the second semi-final between John Higgins and Gary Wilson.
We’ll be back in little over an hour to guide you through it. Until then, goodbye!

O'Donnell 'buzzing' to be into the final.

The final word from the winner...
"I’m absolutely buzzing," O'Donnell said. "To win the frame and match in one visit, I’m really proud of myself. I had a bit of a shaky start but from 1-1 it was a pretty decent game.
"I thought we both played quite well – it was a bit punch for punch. I got to 5-3 but then Elliot being as class as he is hit back so I’m pleased to get through."

The winning moment

How O'Donnell got over the line and seal his spot in the Welsh Open final.

Slessor: 'I was useless'

A disappointed Slessor was highly critical of his performance following his defeat.
"I was useless, he deserved his win," he told Eurosport. "My safety all day, I couldn’t find the top cushion. I thought I found a gear to go 5-5 and all I’m looking for is a chance. I thought I was playing a decent safety shot and put a ball over the hole.
"I’ve lost a couple of these close semis now and haven’t really played great. I had more than enough chances today so Martin deserved his win.
"I’ve played some decent stuff during the week. There’s some positives but I’m just distraught at how I played today to be honest."

'You find out a lot about yourself in those moments'

Eurosport experts Jimmy White and Alan McManus heaped praise on O'Donnell, who last his tour card last season, for the way he came through the decider.
White said: "Fabulous, well done to Martin. He struggled a bit to get over the line against Luca but the way he did it there just shows how great his cue ball control is."
McManus added: "It’s incredible. He was incredibly serene the way he took those shots in the last frame. You find out a lot about yourself in those big moments."

Result: Slessor 5-6 O’Donnell

O’Donnell has done it! A superb break of 126 sees the Englishman through to the final of the Welsh Open, where he will meet either John Higgins or Gary Wilson with an opportunity to clinch his first ranking title.
He did it the hard way, too. The world No. 76 was pegged back from 5-3 up against Elliot Slessor before coming through a tense decider in style with the first century of the match.

Slessor 5-5 O’Donnell (0-60)

A red wriggles in to keep the break alive before a canon into the bunch puts all the balls in pottable positions. There’s no excuse from here. Slessor can hardly watch from his chair. He’s surely played his last shot.

Slessor 5-5 O’Donnell (0-27)

After a cagey start to the decider, O’Donnell gets the first chance when he cuts a red into the middle and follows that up with a good pot on the brown.
He’s taking his time, understandably so, and is in prime position with plenty of reds in open play.

Slessor 5-5 O’Donnell

With the frame at his mercy, a canon on the three remaining reds goes wrong for Slessor. O’Donnell needs a snooker when he returns and his task gets more difficult when he pots the cue ball.
Slessor nails a long red to seal it and we’re going all the way.

Slessor 4-5 O’Donnell (36-11)

Another Slessor safety mistake allows O’Donnell back in but he misses the black with the reds wide open. What a chance now for Slessor to force a decider.

Slessor 4-5 O’Donnell (0-10)

O’Donnell is in first in the 10th frame – can he book his spot in the final here? He looked nervous attempting to close out the win against Luca Brecel and his pace noticeably slows as his break comes to an end at 10.

Slessor 4-5 O’Donnell

The gentle canon on the pack works out well and Slessor reduces his deficit. Where has this fluency been all match? He strides round the table and could equal the high break of the tournament, which stands at 146.
He misses a red with the rest on 95 that puts paid to that but he won't mind, I'm sure.

Slessor 3-5 O’Donnell (31-0)

A plant gives Slessor the perfect opener in a frame he needs to win to keep his dreams of a first ranking title alive. There are enough loose reds around the black to establish a decent lead but he will need to disturb the pack of four at some stage to win it in one visit.

Slessor 3-5 O’Donnell

A break of 41 gives O’Donnell a 5-3 lead, the first time a player has opened up a two-frame advantage. It’s now or never for Slessor, who needs to dig deep to get out of this hole.

Slessor 3-4 O’Donnell (6-51)

A thin cut on a red gets O’Donnell back among the balls as he closes in on a frame that would take him within one of victory.
The balls aren’t lying perfectly but you’d back him to do enough from here.

Slessor 3-4 O'Donnell (6-28)

The next chance falls the way of O’Donnell after another poor safety shot from Slessor. That’s an area of his game he really needs to clean up going forward.
He gets away with his error, though, as O’Donnell misses a red to the middle, but he fails to make the most of his reprieve, making just one in response.

Slessor 3-4 O’Donnell (5-20)

Slessor pots an excellent red and follows it up with an even better brown but overcuts the next red to undo his good work and hand O’Donnell a simple opening.
O’Donnell gets to 20 before a pack split goes wrong and he has to play safe.

Slessor 3-4 O’Donnell

O’Donnell takes his chance really well. Among the standout shots, he plays a superb pink into the middle with deep screw to get on the penultimate red before following that up with a black that develops the final red that was stuck to the cushion.
He completes a break of 88 and leads once again.

Slessor 3-3 O’Donnell (40-9)

Slessor loses control of the cue ball and can’t pot a tricky red off the cushion to keep the break going. He then fouls and leaves O’Donnell a red into the middle, which wriggles in.
Is it his turn to step in and pinch a frame?

Slessor 3-3 O'Donnell (28-0)

A wild miss leaves Slessor an early chance on a red, which he rolls in before going into the pack off the black.
The split isn’t ideal but he pots a nice red into the middle and then plays a great positional shot off the green to get back around the black spot. This is a good chance.

Slessor 3-3 O’Donnell

It’s only 55 but what a break it is. Not only did the balls fall awkwardly in the early stages but had he not taken the chance, Slessor would likely have found himself trailing 4-2. Instead, it’s 3-3 and Slessor has to be feeling the better of the two.

Slessor 2-3 O’Donnell (29-47)

Slessor pots the next red and the cue ball rolls up right behind the yellow. The Englishman leaves his compatriot snookered but O’Donnell does well to get out of it before Slessor nails a tricky red. He is being made to work hard for every point but continues to pull off some brilliant pots and is now in prime position.

Slessor 2-3 O’Donnell (1-47)

A flick on a red puts O’Donnell out of position when attempting to get on the black. His lead is useful but could evaporate quickly if Slessor gets among the balls.

Slessor 2-3 O’Donnell (1-17)

Slessor pots the opening red but doesn’t land on a colour. He gets another chance on a long red up to the green pocket but it rattles the jaws and stays out, leaving O’Donnell with a simple opportunity. These could be key moments coming up.

Slessor 2-3 O’Donnell

A brilliant long red is rolled in by O’Donnell and the cannon on the pink is perfect. He adds another red, blue and red to get over the line and move 3-2 clear.

Slessor 2-2 O’Donnell (4-61)

O’Donnell gets to 61 before a cannon into the pack off the blue goes awry. He’s unlucky it stuck to the top red like it did but is perhaps fortunate he went in-off on the red he did attempt.

Slessor 2-2 O’Donnell (0-26)

The action is back underway with a bang as O’Donnell rattles a long red in. He seems to be punching the balls in with far more purpose since returning from the break as he looks to re-establish his lead.

Is it Higgins' tournament to lose?

Before the first semi-final, Alan McManus and Jimmy White discussed whether anyone could stop a rejuvenated John Higgins from winning a sixth Welsh Open title.

Cut the players some slack, says White

The nerves we've seen are understandable, says Eurosport expert Jimmy White. Neither player has set the place alight so far but there is so much at stake for the pair.
Slessor will feel like he's got away with one to be level, while O'Donnell will be rueing that missed red in the fourth frame.

Slessor 2-2 O’Donnell

Huge credit to Slessor. Having looked so shaky, he composes himself to make a break of 82, meaning it’s 2-2 as the players head off for the mid-session interval.

Slessor 1-2 O’Donnell (16-52)

Another chance goes begging as O’Donnell misses a red into the corner. Slessor pots his first ball in more than 40 minutes and has an opportunity to level at 2-2.

Slessor 1-2 O'Donnell (0-44)

Another bad safety shot gives O’Donnell and easy shot on a red and we’re finally up and running in this frame. As Slessor reads his notes in his chair, O’Donnell sets about establishing a lead ahead of the mid-session interval.
He’s approaching the half-century mark for the second frame in a row.

Slessor 1-2 O’Donnell (0-4)

Another mega slow start to this frame. Slessor is really struggling at the moment. He misses a mid-length red he should pot but gets lucky not to leave it on.
Not much else to report, other than an early foul in favour of O’Donnell.

Slessor 1-2 O’Donnell

Finally, a glimpse of the quality that got him to the semi-finals as O’Donnell makes a break of 78 – the highest of the match so far – to move ahead.

Slessor 1-1 O’Donnell (8-20)

After a very scrappy start to the third frame, Slessor misses a red to the middle and leaves O’Donnell a simple opener. He isn’t perfect on a colour but does well to pot the brown before failing to get on the next red.
Slessor’s attempted safety shot is a poor one and gifts O’Donnell another chance to get among the balls. It’s a perfect chance to make a frame-winning break and spark the match into life – can he take it?

Slessor 1-1 O’Donnell

O’Donnell does get over the line after a poor safety from Slessor leaves the brown hanging over the pocket.
Far from vintage stuff so far but we’re level again at 1-1.

Slessor 1-0 O'Donnell (37-63)

With the frame at his mercy, O'Donnell misses a simple brown off the spot. Slessor needs a snooker and gets it after brilliantly tucking the cue ball tight behind the black. He can tie the frame now if he mops up the remaining colours.

Slessor 1-0 O’Donnell (37-58)

Slessor leaves O’Donnell a chance at a long red after a loose safety and he takes it. The cue ball runs into the black but he is able to pot it and land nicely on the next red.
The one red on the cushion is the obvious stumbling block but he gets on it nicely and makes no mistake with the rest. He’s the favourite now.

Slessor 1-0 O’Donnell (37-34)

O’Donnell misses a red with the rest with the scores level. Slessor returns to pot a red and yellow before unluckily running out of position.

Slessor 1-0 O’Donnell (34-13)

Just as it looked Slessor was looking comfortable, he misses the simplest of blues. He gesticulates that it might have drifted but it never looked in. What a reprieve for O’Donnell, who is at the table with a great chance to pinch the frame.

Slessor 1-0 O’Donnell (27-0)

Now that he’s got the first frame on the board, Slessor looks like he’s over his early jitters. He slots a brilliant opening red in the second and lands perfectly on the black to split the bunch.
The reds spread awkwardly but he keeps the break going with a good pot down the rail and is now in prime position.

Slessor 1-0 O'Donnell

Slessor gets a cross-double to fall to move 52 ahead with just 59 remaining and then nails a long red while bridging over the green – shot of the match so far.
O’Donnell needs snookers but battles on, probably to get some table time as much as anything else, but only manages a break of seven before conceding the frame.

Slessor 0-0 O’Donnell (52-1)

The break comes to an end on 36 with Slessor 52 points to the good. He drifted out of position and missed a tricky red from tight on the cushion.
O’Donnell gets on the board with a good red into one of the baulk corners but misses a simple yellow – he’s feeling it!
Back comes Slessor, who can’t get a red to drop to put the frame to bed.

Slessor 0-0 O'Donnell (40-0)

Slessor puts his earlier slip-up behind him to pot a good opening red into the middle. The balls are lying awkwardly but he continues to pick them off as he closes in on clinching the frame.

Slessor 0-0 O'Donnell (16-0)

Slessor breaks down on 16 after a sloppy positional shot from the blue when attempting to get on a red in the baulk area.
This could quickly turn into a scrappy first frame.

Slessor 0-0 O'Donnell (7-0)

Slessor misses a tricky attempt to the middle after some good safety from O’Donnell but leaves the cue ball safe.
O’Donnell then misses into the same pocket, allowing Slessor a simple opener into the corner. Can the 29-year-old make the most of the chance?

Slessor 0-0 O’Donnell

Slessor has the first chance at a long red and misses it by a distance. It’s understandably edgy out there in the early stages, so whoever settles quickest should have a big advantage in the best-of-11 encounter.

Eurosport experts split

Both players will be desperate to make the final as they bid for a first ranking title and Eurosport experts Jimmy White and Alan McManus have had their say. The Whirlwind has gone for O’Donnell, while Angles is backing Slessor.
We’ll find out who’s right shortly as the players are in the arena, with the action set to get underway imminently.

All to play for

Slessor beat Dominic Dale, the last home hope, to book his spot in the last four and set up an all-English clash with O’Donnell. He leads the head-to-head 2-1 but today is a different day and the pair have never met at such an advanced stage in a tournament before.

Semi-finals day

The action resumes in Llandudno with the semi-finals of the Welsh Open. First up we have Martin O’Donnell, who stunned world champion Luca Brecel last night, up against Elliot Slessor before five-time champion John Higgins faces Gary Wilson in the evening encounter.
It promises to be an enthralling day of action and you can keep up with everything as it happens right here!

O’Donnell seals semi-final spot with brilliant black in stunning win over Brecel

Martin O’Donnell extended his perfect record against Luca Brecel to four with a superb 5-3 victory in the quarter-finals of the Welsh Open.
In a high-quality affair at the Venue Cymru in Llandudno, the pair traded big breaks - with only one frame not seeing a half-century.
Brecel led 2-1 and 3-2, but could not shake off O’Donnell who took his chance when it presented itself to book his place in the semi-finals of a ranking event for the second time in his career.
Elliott Slessor, another player who has not won a tournament, lies in wait for O'Donnell on Saturday.
Full report here.

Saturday Schedule

Elliot Slessor v Martin O'Donnell
Gary Wilson v John Higgins
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