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World Snooker Championship 2023 LIVE - Ronnie O'Sullivan back in action, John Higgins and Mark Selby level

Daniel Harris

Updated 25/04/2023 at 20:37 GMT

Hello and welcome to Eurosport's live coverage of the 2022-23 World Snooker Championship and we are finally at the quarter-final stage! Now it starts getting tasty. We have four brilliant matches and the focus is back on defending champion Ronnie O'Sullivan as he faces off against Luca Brecel. The blockbuster clash between Mark Selby and John Higgins is all square.

'Wow, that's a game-changer!' - O'Sullivan in rare 'waistcoat foul'

Righto, that's us done for the day

Thanks all for your company and join us again tomorrow at 9.30am BST.

Allen 7-5 Jones (0-44)

It's been a slog has this, neither man playing well. Jak has had a poor session, and it doesn't improve when the black returning to its spot stymies him on everything. So he sends a glorious plant to left-middle!

O'Sullivan 10-6 Brecel

Ronnie didn't play well tonight, but he's just so good at winning frames. As for Luca, Angles is really exercised by him trying to wallop his way out of trouble, saying it won't work; Jim adds that he should sort his concentration and cue-ball control.

O'Sullivan 9-6 Brecel (55-0)

Ronnie gets in again, Luca starts packing his stuff up, and this is a very definitive end to the evening, Luca needs to win seven if nine frames tomorrow.

O'Sullivan 9-6 Brecel (46-0)

This is what happens. When you trail Ronnie in a long match, you might look like you're closing, but it's so rare anyone ever takes more than a couple off him in a row, so he always just stretches ahead. He's in first in the final frame of the evening, has to play safe after running out of position, knocking the green safe for good measure ... then Luca leaves him another chance. He increases hi lead, runs out of position again, plays safe ... and Luca is so close to downing a belter. But the ball stays out, Ronnie lands a jazzer in left-middle, lays a snooker, and Luca just bashes his way out of it. He's lost patience like that twice tonight, once getting away with it and once not. Ronnie, though, misses a simple black, and this is a very long update because a lot of things happened quickly.

Allen 7-5 Jones

Big momentum shift on the other table. They've gone to the mid-sesh.

O'Sullivan 9-6 Brecel

Ronnie hasn't played especially well tonight, but he's so good he keeps winning frames anyway.

O'Sullivan 8-6 Brecel (61-34)

Left a difficult cut-back after bombing his way out of a difficult situation and getting lucky, Luca pots a red and lays a snooker on the yellow; in escaping it, Ronnie only knucks it from behind and into right-middle! This gaaaaaame! Then Ronnie misses the green - how! - and Luca plays a really poor shot that gives him another bite at it. Oh, Luca! Down it goes and that's the frame.

O'Sullivan 8-6 Brecel (61-34)

Ronnie removes the easy balls and now must deal with two near the side. He gets rid of the first, but then aggravates himself by not getting on the second. With colours on their spots, whoever gets the final red wins the frame.

O'Sullivan 8-6 Brecel (16-34)

Luca blams a terrific blue, white around the angles - but he had to because he'd run out of position, and then he misses to right-middle. Oh, Luca. But then Ronnie goes in-off potting the blue ... but then Luca plays a poor safety, catching a ball he wanted to avoid, and he's left a big chance.

O'Sullivan 8-6 Brecel (0-20)

Ronnie goes to steer one slow to right corner ... but he hits the jaw then some reds, handing Luca an opportunity to score. This switch in momentum didn't look imminent and it sort of happened more than Luca forced it, but he won't care - he's properly in this match now. Can he stay there?

O'Sullivan 8-6 Brecel

If Luca wins one of the two remaining frames, he'll be properly in this tomorrow.

O'Sullivan 8-5 Brecel (0-61)

Luca takes the white into the jaws of right-middle, then smokes down the blue without hesitation. This break has taken him all around the world, and another blue sends him around the angles and onto the red which confirms the frame.

O'Sullivan 8-5 Brecel (0-33)

Luca gets away to right corner, gets a lovely inadvertent cannon when he breaks the pack, and suddenly he's building momentum. The reds aren't great and the black is tied up, but he's building a lead.

O'Sullivan 8-5 Brecel

Just as it looked like he was sinking, Luca has somehow saved himself.

O'Sullivan 8-4 Brecel (37-66)

This game. Luca flukes a snooker, Ronnie misses twice then leaves the last red, and that'll be the frame.

Allen 6-5 Jones

Mark steals one, and might he be making a decisive move? He leads for the first time.

O'Sullivan 8-4 Brecel (37-58)

Luca will be sitting extremely uncomfortably. Going more than a mini-session behind, ad in this manner, and he won't be able to convince himself he's still in this. But off the yellow, Ronnie misses, by a fraction, developing the final red off the side, so he plays a decent safety and sits down.

O'Sullivan 8-4 Brecel (1-58)

Luca opens the pack nicely, and this is a chance to do some damage. Pink and black are both available, but the pack needs some attention. He bangs into it and is just about on one, to right-middle, goes again ... and the same happens, he's just about on one ... but this time he misses to left-middle! Can Ronnie steal? That'd be a proper heel to the solar plexus.

O'Sullivan 8-4 Brecel (0-20)

Let-off for Luca: Ronnie misses a red to left corner, then Luca doesn't. He really needs a 3-1 mini-sesh, which equates to pressure.

Allen 5-5 Jones (27-19)

Jak misses a black to left corner and Mark is now at the table, points available.

O'Sullivan 8-4 Brecel

As you were, then: Ronnie leads by four, and Luca knows he's not good enough to win this, you can tell. Perhaps the mid-sesh will allow him to refocus.

Allen 5-5 Jones

Jak does everything but clinch this frame, and eventually loses it on the black. if Mark ups his level, he'll win, but can he?

O'Sullivan 7-4 Brecel (64-0)

Ronnie strokes a gorgeous red to the green and, as Uncle Joe notes, he'd left nothing in case he missed. But he didn't, and Luca's fine start to the evening will soon have been disappeared.

O'Sullivan 7-4 Brecel (44-0)

It comes and it goes. Luca leaves one to left-middle, Ronnie strikes it home ... but then runs out of position. So he plays a really good safety, and after much internal debate, Luca formulates his tactical masterplan: hit and hope. And it works nicely! All Ronnie has is one to right-middle, which he jawses, and we're back playing safety.

O'Sullivan 7-4 Brecel

This is why I worried for Luca after this morning. Four frames down means at some point he probably needs a few - more than two - in a row, and doing that against Ronnie is beyond almost everyone.

O'Sullivan 6-4 Brecel (73-39)

Nope. Ronnie tucks in behind and sees it away. This is a terrific visit.

O'Sullivan 6-4 Brecel (59-39)

Ronnie guides a starter into right corner, but there's a red on the side that might be hard to get at.

O'Sullivan 6-4 Brecel (30-39)

Luca plays a poor positional shot, leaving himself too high on the blue, and he whacks the table upon realising he's not got a next red. IOt's a really big frame, this - if Luca wins it he's right back in the match, but if Ronnie does he's right back at arm's length.

O'Sullivan 6-4 Brecel (30-19)

Ach, Luca misses along the top rail and hangs his head then Ronnie immediately gets to work. He splits the pack ... winds up on nowt ... so takes on a plant to left-middle and gets nowhere near. So Luca rolls a lovely starter to the same bag and this is a chance for hi to make it three out of three tonight.

Allen 4-5 Jones

Jak needs a few goes, but he takes the opening frame of the evening and is doing nicely in the second, at the table with almost everything available.

O'Sullivan 6-4 Brecel

Luca pulls to within two and Ronnie needs to have a think - he's not been himself so far this evening.

O'Sullivan 6-3 Brecel (49-60)

Great work from Luca, who could've won and lost this frame several times.

O'Sullivan 6-3 Brecel (49-43)

Ronnie runs out of position but is soon back at the table potting a red and laying a snooker; Luca misses twice, hitting the pink second go and leaving a tempter to left corner on the third. So Ronnie takes the pot on ... and gets close to it but not close enough; what a chance this now is for Luca to clear!

O'Sullivan 6-3 Brecel (30-42)

Except Luca misses another red to middle! So Ronnie cuts a starter to left-centre, and though the white doesn't finish where he planned it to, he pots blue off black. Luca will be fearing the steal.

O'Sullivan 6-3 Brecel (15-42)

"You wouldn't put them this easy in practice," says Uncle Joe of the table, but Luca is unrenowned for his powers of concentration and shonuff he plays a poor positional shot which he can't redeem, missing to left-centre ... then Ronnie sends a much harder ball to right! That was a gorgeous pot, and we've a new favourite for the frame. Except Ronnie misses a tricky cut-back black!

O'Sullivan 6-3 Brecel (14-8)

Yup, this is why Luca is attacking everything: he can't compete when it comes to the tactical stuff. Snookered by Ronnie, he plays a terrible escape which leaves a chance; Ronnie picks a few loose balls then digs into the pack, they fan out everywhere ... and he's on nothing. So he plays safe, then Luca monsters a starter into right corner followed by a pink coaxed dead-weight into right-middle. He's in!

O'Sullivan 6-3 Brecel

Oh Luca needed that, "that" being a total clearance of 128 in double-quick, 12-seconds-a-shot time.

O'Sullivan 6-2 Brecel (0-55)

Luca's taking the Wawrinka v Djokovic approach, chucking everything at everything because he knows it's the only way to beat an opponent who's better than him. It;s worked well in this frame, but can he sustain his level?

O'Sullivan 6-2 Brecel (0-17)

Oh Luca! He pots a red off the knuckle so doesn't run through for the black ... so he oozes another fine yellow home, not as good as the one the dematerialised this morning, but very good nevertheless.

O'Sullivan 6-2 Brecel (0-17)

Luca plays a fine attacking safety, breaking the pack and leaving the white pinned to the top rail. It earns him a chance too, and it's one you feel he has to take.

Aaaaand away we go!

Mark, meanwhile

Will be overjoyed to be level. Jak, though, knows he belongs at this level now and is under no pressure. That makes him dangerous.

Luca needs something and quickly

Real talk, he's probably out of this already, but he is good enough to blaze through enough frames to yank him back into contention. Against Ronnie, though, that's exceedingly unfeasible.

We go again!

McGill 4-4 Jiahui

Si thinks he's played a good safety, white on bottom rail, but it turns out Anthony can slide it round the back of the yellow to pot a red and that's enough for the frame. They finish level too, and Anthony will be as relieved as Si is irritated.

McGill 3-4 Jiahui (63-4)

It looks like 4-4 on table one two, Anthony with a big lead and the four remaining reds on cushions - and Si needs blacks with them, not easy when one's on the side and one's on the bottom.

Selby 4-4 Higgins

Mark ends the session with runs of 70, 82 and 103 and you just cannot keep that man down. They'll be all-square when they return tomorrow afternoon.

McGill 3-4 Jiahui

Anthony hasn't played well today, but he closes to within one and Si will be vexed because he had a chance to win that frame too. Oh, and as I type that, Anthony sinks a fine starter to left corner and finishes on the yellow.

Watch McGill offer his cue to fan after 'extraordinary' miss at Crucible

Selby 3-4 Higgins (36-0)

John's left scratching his head like Stan Laurel when he plays an attempted plant that leaves Mark a simple starter - it was nowhere near. And he's now sat firmly in his seat, contemplating the demise of his lead as the session ends. I bet Mark would like to keep going all night.

Selby 3-4 Higgins (16-0)

Eeesh, John pins the white to the bottom rail, great shot, then playing his next clips the blue and this is another chance for Mark! He's not got many loose reds to play with, but a decent blue brings him up the table then the next time he plays it, it tries to break the pack ... hitting pink but nothing else. So he returns to baulk to cut to the yellow, still gets on nowt, so it's a safety shot and end of break.

Selby 3-4 Higgins

An 82 follows the 70 in the previous frame, and we now know it'll be close coming back tomorrow afternoon.

Selby 2-4 Higgins (74-0)

How vital might that fluke in the last frame turn out to be? it turned 501 into 4-2 and Mark is now looking really smooth at the table. He's so good at riding out his opponent's purple patches.

Selby 2-4 Higgins (31-0)

John misses a long red and Mark jumps on the opportunity. Already, it feels like this'll go long, there's so little to choose between these two legends, both of whom know how to keep winning frames when not quite at it, and I still favour Mark because I think he has more reliable form when not bang at it.

Selby 2-4 Higgins

Mark misses on 70, but needing three snookers, John stays in his seat.

Selby 1-4 Higgins (51-0)

This game! Mark hammers towards left corner, the ball whizzes out of the jaws, cannons two reds, narrowly avoids the white, and deposits itself in right-centre! That might've been 5-1, now it should be 4-2!

McGill 2-4 Jiahui

Si gets in again but this time he can't make it count and Anthony cobbles together a 50. Si could still steal, but a DDK - dreaded double kiss - puts paid to his hopes of so doing. Still, if Anthony doesn't improve, he'll be further behind overnight.

Selby 1-4 Higgins (26-0)

It's Mark in first and he has a stern word with himself - he can't be giving away another frame - so must make this visit count if he can. The reds will need breaking though, so what happens when that happens will tell us plenty.

Selby 1-4 Higgins

John catches the yellow so no ton, but a 78 is ample for a three-frame lead. Mark will want at least two of the remaining three.

Selby 1-3 Higgins (14-55)

John is so matter-of-fact in his play and he wobbles a red along black cush and into left corner to secure the frame. Can he parlay the break into a ton?

Selby 1-3 Higgins (14-25)

There's no one better at punishing errors than John, though he's best renowned for coming from further behind to steal frames.

Selby 1-3 Higgins (14-1)

Hmmm, has momentum switched? John leaves one to left corner and Mark clacks it down, then a red to right opens a few more balls. He's not in prime position yet and nor will he be, a black missed from near the side. He leaves John with loads, and that might cost him the frame.

McGill 1-4 Jiahui

Yup, Si returns to clinch the frame and he's got Anthony in trouble.

McGill 1-3 Jiahui

Back on table one, Si is threatening to run away with it, and the table and 52 points to the good. But all the balls are in pottable positions, so if Anthony gets the next chance, he'll have a decent chance of stealing.

Selby 1-3 Higgins

A run of 70 ends as gritty, high-class mini-sesh as we expected. We're in for a treat these next two days.

Selby 0-3 Higgins (60-9)

Ach, my system freezes so doesn't save my updates. what happened was John feeling good, took on a nasty green, got perfect position on the next red ... and missed the pot by miles. So Mark is taking the opportunity to get on the board, and both players will be relatively alright with 3-1 at the interval.

Selby 0-3 Higgins (18-0)

Mark eyes up a long diagonal clip to right corner. "Big shot," muses uncle Joe. "Oh, great shot!" follows, and ball thuds into leather. He's not, though, on anything - this game - so plays safe off the brown.

Selby 0-3 Higgins (17-0)

We're not seeing chances left off the break so frames are tending to start with safety - which is what happens here, Mark managing a small contribution before having to play safe. And, with pink and black both out of commission, this might be another slow frame.

McGill 1-3 Jiahui

A brute on table one, Si doing all but win the frame in fine style before playing for pink not blue, not getting on the yellow, and having to stave off a snookers and a comeback from Anthony. But eventually he misses the blue and Si clears up for a two-frame interval lead.

Selby 0-3 Higgins

John's not playing as well as he did against Kyrizzle, who he whitewashed in their opening session, but he is still playing well, and Mark has to take this next one.

Selby 0-2 Higgins (31-75)

Mark lays a snooker with various balls splitting red and white across the table; John escapes, then shortly afterwards is left a dolly over left -middle; he sees it away, and he's just got the upper hand in the exchanges so far.

Selby 0-2 Higgins (31-63)

Mark does really well to remove all the reds bar one, then screws back off the black to get close to a red near the side, in baulk, but all he can do is bring it back into play while playing safe.

Selby 0-2 Higgins (0-63)

He does not, missing frame-ball black to left corner - in the process covering the red he played for - but can Mark pot one off t'other? Yes he can, with a bit of help from the side rail, but the table is not an easy one. Still, he's at it, which isn't something he'll have expected.

Selby 0-2 Higgins (0-40)

I barely recall John encountering trouble during a break these last few days, and if he keeps this up Mark will be in trouble.

Selby 0-2 Higgins (0-24)

Ten-odd minutes of safety begin frame three, which is just as well because my system crashes. I miss how John gets in, though, but he gets in, and he's flying.

McGill 1-2 Jiahui

Si Jiahui is fantastic, a joy to behold, and a 98 earns him a 2-1 lead.

Selby 0-2 Higgins

Yup, another to John, and Mark will want the next frame badly.

Selby 0-1 Higgins (4-60)

John rolls a black along the rail and he's playing very nicely indeed. He needs one more red, though, and none of the remaining ones are easy ... but he floats across to the side rail, eliminates another, then pushes brown and blue safe. Lovely stuff.

Selby 0-1 Higgins (4-24)

The table isn't an easy one and Mark - who said he match with Gary Wilson was slow because of where the balls went, rather than any intention on anyone's part - misses a yellow with the rest but doesn't leave anything. He does, though, go in-off next go and John pumps home a decent starter.

Selby 0-1 Higgins (3-19)

John gets away with a fine red to left corner, maintains the run with a gorgeous pot to the yellow ... then misses to right-middle and a telling snooker from Mark earns him the next opportunity.

Selby 0-1 Higgins

Oh yes! John nails a pearler into the green, and what a start that was!

McGill 1-1 Jiahui

A 106 and Si is in the match. He won't be so nervous now.

Selby 0-0 Higgins (67-67)

No chances, then John leaves a potential snick to right corner ... and Mark ignores it.

Selby 0-0 Higgins (67-67)

John sticks the balls on the sides, then a poor shot from Mark offers him a go sliding from black cush to left corner; he misses, Mark spanks a long one that looks down, except it leaps out and round we go! This is already an epic!

Selby 0-0 Higgins (67-67)

Yup, Mark quickly clears the balls and puts John in as they begin the respot.

McGill 1-0 Jiahui

Si goes in-off off the break - he must be nervous - and Anthony makes a sixty or so from there, then adds another 50 to cement the first frame.

Selby 0-0 Higgins (0-67)

Potting a red to right corner, John hits the near knuckle and it stays in the jaws; Mark returns to the table 67 behind with 67 left, and amazingly, in frame one a respot looks likely!

Selby 0-0 Higgins (0-47)

John accumulates like he's been doing it all his life; funny that. In a Eurosport spot the other day, Ronnie said when they were kids, he was a break-builder and Mark J was a potter, whereas yerman here was the complete player and finished article even then. He still is.

Selby 0-0 Higgins (0-21)

Classic John, ending a safety exchange with a snooker which yields a double, and he gets to work potting balls - though with the black tied-up, he's work to do building a lead.

The boyz populate the baize

They're waiting to come out

And talking about sandwiches. Of course they are.

John and Mark

Eight of these titles between them, four each, one final victory over the other each, and both in decent form. I've not a clue who's going to win this because John was fantastic in the last round but Mark has the game to beat him; now that you don't ask, I'm going with the Jester.

Good afternoon

And what an afternoon is in prospect. We'll be focusing, of course, on John Higgins v Mark Selby, but with a close eye on Anthony McGill v Si Jiahui. Bring it on!

That's us done for the morning

Join me again at 2pm BST for the afternoon dig featuring:
  • Anthony McGill v Si Jiahui
  • John Higgins v Mark Selby

Allen 4-4 Jones

Jak drains the yellow but nervously misses the green; Mark clears up and the session ends even!

Allen 3-4 Jones (51-40)

Jak misses a brown to the yellow, cueing across it and playing the shot too hard for the ball to drop anyway. But then Mark misses the actual yellow and this is getting nervy - I didn't see that error coming at all.

Allen 3-4 Jones (45-39)

Jak breaks the reds and sends one safe, the pink too, and it's soon end of break. But Mark plays a really poor shot, leaving a red and failing to get in behind the black ... except Jak cues across his attempted pot, and this frame is still in the balance.

Allen 3-4 Jones (45-38)

Oooh, Mark misses a red to the green bag! I didn't see that coming and I bet Jak didn't either, but he's now back at the table potting balls. There are, though, two balls stuck together under the pink and another on the side, so this won't be an easy clear-up.

Allen 3-4 Jones (39-26)

Mark knows how much taking this frame would hurt Jak; the context of it coming from a bad call he made, and the practicality of him ending a session in which he's played really well all-square.

Allen 3-4 Jones (8-26)

Jak takes the risk to play out of the bunch, Mark guides a lovely starter along the top rail, and Jak might be feeling regretful now. He'd have preferred a re-rack to his opponent potting balls!

Allen 3-4 Jones (0-26)

Jak sends down yet another lovely starter - his long game has been so good of late - and he's won two frames with breaks that have been started in such fashion. But he runs into the pack, can only prod at it, and needs to come up with something as he won't want a re-rack.

Allen 3-4 Jones

A run of 74 and Mark has a chance to share the session; he'd be delighted with that, Jak far less so.

O'Sullivan 6-2 Brecel

A run of 88 secures a big lead and if Luca doesn't start well tonight, I'm afraid he's hankering for a spankering.

O'Sullivan 5-2 Brecel (77-9)

Ronnie is going to make it four on the spin and 19 from 23. That is ominous, given how much better than this he can play.

O'Sullivan 5-2 Brecel (25-9)

Luca steers a nice starter to left-middle but then misses a black to left corner, and this is not looking good for him - at all. You can't allow TMNTPETPUAC chances and reprieves like this, and at 6-2, given the respective abilities and mentalities of both men, this match will feel five to over.

O'Sullivan 5-2 Brecel

Luca will be feeling very poorly and will know how badly he needs to get out of this session just 5-3 behind. 6-2 and it's a colossal ask.

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel (59-52)

Just when the match looked to be charging away from him Luca is somehow about to yank himself back into it; a poor brown means a tricky blue, but all he needs to do is send pink to left corner ... AND HE LEAVES IT ON THE LIP! Oh man, that is going to sting, and he'd have been better off with Ronnie just running away with it.

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel (59-40)

Oh really! Ronnie leaves the yellow, Luca drains it, and this should be an unlikely steal! What a bizarre frame this is!

Allen 2-4 Jones

Jack sinks a glorious starter, parlays it into a 71, and though when he misses Mark suggests a comeback for a while, the run is enough to restore his two-frame advantage.

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel (59-38)

Getting down to finish the frame by potting the yellow, Ronnie brushes the black with his waistcoat and suddenly the frame is live again! Can Luca capitalise?

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel (59-27)

Ach, the snooker gods are punishing Luca for that miss; playing safe, Ronnie flukes the final red, tucks in behind the yellow, and sits down with two snookers required.

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel (42-27)

Ronnie knows Luca's down, and there's no one better at applying foot to throat in that situation. If Ronnie sees this out and takes the next, we could be looking at another blow-out.

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel (18-27)

Ach, Luca runs out of position so plays safe ... then, cueing down, Ronnie steers a beauty diagonally across the table to left corner ... only to miss the black! Again, he's livid with himself, but again he escapes because Luca somehow misses a blue to right-centre - "one of the misses of the championship" says Nealf - and when Ronnie breaks the pack off the black, he knows he's in deep trouble. If you can't hang in there when not at your best, you'll struggle to win long matches and we're seeing that here.

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel (0-20)

Ronnie tries a red to right corner, misses it, and leaves Luca a starter - to his intense aggravation. He knows how badly his opponent needed that, and Luca will know he needs to make the most of it. Or, in other words, pressure.

Allen 2-3 Jones

Mark closes the gap and this is already a compelling tussle.

O'Sullivan 4-2 Brecel

A 135, the 203rd Crucible ton of Ronnie's career, means worrying times for Luca who must surely win at least one of the remaining two frames this morning to stay in the match,

O'Sullivan 3-2 Brecel (69-0)

Ronnie is starting to dominate now, and can play better than this too.

O'Sullivan 3-2 Brecel (34-0)

Stan Wawrinka won his majors by going for everything and hoping it worked because he felt like it was the only way he could beat Novak Djokovic, a player he knew to be better than him, especially if things dragged on. And I wonder if Luca is pursuing that tactic, because at the start of frame six he leathers another long one, missing and leaving balls all over, meaning Ronnie is already well-placed to go two in front. Early days, yes, but it feels like we're seeing a pattern here.

O'Sullivan 3-2 Brecel

Ronnie moves in front for the first time and that frame looked a little ominous for Luca, who's cooled a little. Can he win frames - and enough of them - when not steaming hot?

O'Sullivan 2-2 Brecel (72-23)

With three reds left, Ronnie tries a cannon to separate two of them, misses and plays safe; Luca then attacks the third, misses, and Ronnie will surely secure the frame from here. Er, almost: he separates the reds, Luca returns to the table needing a snooker and rockets one into the jaws of left corner; Ronnie then does the necessary.

O'Sullivan 2-2 Brecel (18-23)

Luca gets a double-kiss and gets away with it, somehow leaving nowt, then goes in-off and this time he's punished, Ronnie guiding home a long red to right corner and getting to work.

O'Sullivan 2-2 Brecel (0-23)

Now then. Luca gets the better of the safety exchange - that is a great sign for him and for those of us hoping for an epic - and he's back at the table potting, sliding a really nice black along the rail to left corner. There are a few reds blocking each other but a good lead possible before those need considering ... but as I type that, a miss to right-middle means end of break. It wasn't a gimme, but I'd surprised it didn't disappear.

O'Sullivan 2-2 Brecel (0-9)

A tactical start to frame five, both players missing the chance to tuck in between yellow and bottom rail before Luca flukes a snooker behind the green, still on its spot. Ronnie hits second time but leaves one, then Luca runs out of position trying to force loose a few reds, missing another shy at getting behind that yellow.

Off we go again

More more more more.

Allen 1-3 Jones

Another frame to Jak, and this too is shaping up.

O'Sullivan 2-2 Brecel

What a mini-sesh that was! Three frames each under 10 minutes, one of just over 20, and this is already a terrific match - though I've seen enough to think that over a long match, Ronnie will win enough of the scrappy ones to win with a little to spare. We shall see.

O'Sullivan 1-2 Brecel (60-19)

Oh I say! Ronnie plays off the final red, sends it down the table, and the white in behind the black; what a shot that is, and Luca applauds, misses, and Ronnie begins the clear-up. That was a shot good enough to win any frame, and will resonate with Luca because he can match Ronnie for flair, but I'm, not sure he can compete with the safety.

O'Sullivan 1-2 Brecel (46-19)

Ronnie drops in the next red, but the points he accumulates won't make much difference unless he can bin the red on the side rail. If he can't and Luca does, Luca will will probably win the frame, and that'd be a massive statement - taking a scrappy one, not just one in which he gets in first. Meantime, Ronnie plays safe and the chase is on.

O'Sullivan 1-2 Brecel (33-19)

Ronnie finds himself blocked by the blue, which is behind the white ... but he opts to take on the green with the rest nevertheless and sorts it out well. But then he misses the next red to left corner, leaving Luca the chance to reap the rewards of his hard work ... and he misses a different ball to the same bag with the rest; in co-comms, Nealf reckons he's not mad on using it, preferring to play lefty if it saves him the bother. Ronnie, though, can't capitalise, immediately running out of position, and we're back playing safety.

O'Sullivan 1-2 Brecel (16-19)

Luca gets himself away but trying a black to left corner, catches a red and this lets Ronnie in. The balls aren't easy, various blocking each other, but there's no one better at solving the puzzle.

Allen 1-2 Jones

The standard on both tables is stratospheric, and Mark eases in a 137 to get himself on the board.

O'Sullivan 1-2 Brecel

This rattling along, and Luca is loving it.

O'Sullivan 1-1 Brecel (4-55)

Luca slams a red to right corner, knocking others all over in the process - that's very nicely done - but he's on nothing. So he clatters a yellow long, across the table to its own pocket, an that is absolutely ridiculous. "Extraordinary shot," kvells Nealf, noting that no other player in the draw takes that on. This looks a lot like 2-1 now.

O'Sullivan 1-1 Brecel (4-13)

Oh, now Ronnie misses one he shouldn't to that bag, and Luca has another chance to remonstrate...

O'Sullivan 1-1 Brecel (1-12)

Ronnie tries a red to right corner and misses, which is fine ... until he cannons the blue, offering Luca another chance. And Luca looks confident again - his break in frame one came with an 11-second shot average but playing lefty, he misses a delicate cut to right-middle, and that might cost him.

Allen 0-2 Jones

Now it's a 94 from Jak, and he's in tremendous nick.

O'Sullivan 1-1 Brecel

This is shaping up very nicely, both men sharp and aggressive. This could be an epic.

O'Sullivan 0-1 Brecel (65-0)

Eeesh, Ronnie undercuts a frame-ball black to right corner and offers Luca a double to get going; he can't accept it, so Ronnie pays off a red and slides across the table to hide white behind that black. He doesn't quite get the snooker but Luca takes on a starter to right-centre, misses, and that'll be the frame.

O'Sullivan 0-1 Brecel (33-0)

A little nudge and what remains of the pack spreads out, reds liberated and waiting for the privilege of being potted by The Most Naturally Talented Player Ever To Pick Up A Cue.

Allen 0-1 Jones (0-9)

A run of 78 from Jak sees him hit the front and he's back a the table, black going to both corners, in frame two,

O'Sullivan 0-1 Brecel (10-0)

Again it's Ronnie in first, but this time he knows he daren't miss. That'll increase the pressure just a little, but there's no one better at handling it, and he keeps the run going with a tremendous long red to left corner. This is shaping up!

O'Sullivan 0-1 Brecel

Luca jawses the final red so no ton for him - he has to accept a piddling 93 - and Ronnie returns to the table to get his arm going before conceding. Great start to the match.

O'Sullivan 0-0 Brecel (1-71)

This is so good from Luca, and a great sign. We know Luca can play like this, but we don't know he can play like this, at this stage, of this tournament, against this man. The questions now, then, are for how long he can sustain it, and whether he can keep winning frames when his level drops which, over the course of a best-of-25, it almost definitely will.

O'Sullivan 0-0 Brecel (1-30)

Luca leaves a red to right corner which Ronnie drains ... only to miss the green. So Luca gets away, quickly opens the bunch, and this is already so different from the Masters.He's feeling good, you can see - he's addressing the ball quickly and with conviction - and this is already a frame-winning opportunity.

Consider the boyz


On the other table

We have Mark Allen v Jak Jones. Mark might just've rediscovered himself these last two rounds - he's been brilliant this term but has strayed from his natural attacking game, to its detriment. This last week, though, he's battered Fan Zhengyi and Stuart Bingham, and will fancy himself to see off Jak Jones - who's done superbly to dismiss Ali Carter and Neil Robertson.

And what a set of matches we've got for you

This morning, we'll be focusing, of course, on Ronnie O'Sullivan v Luca Brecel. The former was imperious in the last round, handing Hossein Vafaei the mother and father of all sonning-offs. The need so to do was perhaps brought on by some injudicious barbs - of course, Ronnie was favourite, but it's not a massive stretch to see the pre-match patter as something with zoned him into the tournament a round earlier than he might otherwise have been forced to. Because make no mistake, he knows he's got his hands full with Luca - if Luca turns up. Last time the pair met, at the Masters, Luca played like he was waiting to lose and did, 6-1, but his weekend clobbering of Mark J Williams might just've convinced him that he can compete at this level. If it did, we're in for a treat.

Well hello there!

And welcome to the World Snooker Championship 2023 - quarter-finals! If you're not buzzing, you're not well.


Hello and welcome to today's coverage from the 2023 World Snooker Championship at the Crucible. The quarter-finals begin today and we've got you covered with all the action from Sheffield!
First up, we've got the clash between Ronnie O'Sullivan and Luca Brecel before the blockbuster match between two former world champions, Mark Selby and John Higgins, begins in the afternoon session.
The boys will be on the baize from 10.00 BST.


  • Ronnie O'Sullivan v Luca Brecel
  • Mark Allen v Jak Jones
  • Anthony McGill v Si Jiahui
  • John Higgins v Mark Selby
  • Ronnie O'Sullivan v Luca Brecel
  • Mark Allen v Jak Jones



Eurosport's Jimmy White has attempted to explain why Ronnie O'Sullivan will beat Luca Brecel in their quarter-final and "probably" win his eighth World Championship title.
White, sat alongside Alan McManus in the studio, looked ahead to the hotly-anticipated last-eight encounter between the attacking duo at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, with the opening session to commence on Tuesday morning.
O'Sullivan, who thrashed Hossein Vafaei in a contest billed as a "grudge match" that did not deliver much of a battle on the table, has been in sublime form so far at the iconic venue and will be looking to continue that against the mercurial Belgian.
With O'Sullivan aiming to clinch an outright record eighth world title to surpass fellow legend Stephen Hendry's tally, White identified some of the key aspects of The Rocket's game that demonstrate why he is looking very strong.
"Luca is one of these players that is all-out attack," White said as he began by analysing Brecel in the Eurosport studio.
"If they go in, he can win frames regularly from nowhere and from impossible positions.
"Why I think O'Sullivan will beat Luca and probably go on to win his eighth world title is because, in his game against Hossein [Vafaei], he was measured and focused."
Read the full story here
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