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Kim Gilli and Park Ji Won win Crystal Globes in Short Track World Cup


Published 18/02/2024 at 17:51 GMT

The curtain came down on the World Cup season as Canada won the men's 5000m relay and Netherlands took gold in the women's 3000m relay.


Image credit: Eurosport

Korea's Kim Gilli and Park Ji Won were crowned the best short track speed skaters in the world as they wrapped up Crystal Globes in Gdansk.
The destination of the overall World Cup titles went down to the final night of racing in Poland.
On the women's side, Kristen Santos-Griswold won her second 1000m race in two days but was still pipped by Kim to the overall crown.
Kim ended the campaign on 1211 points, a mere 31 ahead of Santos-Griswold who ended with silver.
Dutch star Xandra Velzeboer won the last 500m of the season in a one-two with Selma Poutsma, sealing third in the overall.
Ji Won Park did the same in the men's 1000m, where team-mate Gunwoo Kim finished second, to win the Crystal Globe.
The margin was, again, a fine one as Canadian Steven Dubois' final-day victory lifted him to within 21 points of Park.
William Dandjinou finished third overall.
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